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ISMMS 2023 RADIO STATION: No Outsides Polymorphous Radio Station [NOPRS FM]

Date & time
Tuesday, June 6, 2023 –
Thursday, June 8, 2023 (all day)

This event is free




J.W. McConnell Building
1400 De Maisonneuve Blvd. W.

Wheel chair accessible


The No Outsides Polymorphous Radio Station (NOPRS FM) will present a stream of audio content to conference attendees (and other local radio tuners) through the creation of mini-FM broadcast zones during the three days of the event.

NOPRS FM will feature musical tracks suggested by conference participants, interviews, field recordings, No Outsides Band jam sessions and Vox-Pop style contributions.

Our aim, following renowned radio artist Tetsuo Kogawa, is to consider radio in its extreme possibilities through the practice of free narrowcasting. Conference attendees can tune in through the use of small portable radios provided to No Outsides participants when they register.

Presenter Bios

Lucas Thow is an MA student in the Department of Communications at Concordia. His current research explores independent digital music platforms, curatorial methods, and the relationship between curation and innovation in electronic music contexts.
Owen Chapman is a professor in the department of Communication Studies at Concordia and also a DJ, radio artist, lathe recordist and sample-based musician.

Find out more about the ISMSS 2023 conference: No Outsides: Metal in an Era of Contagion.

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