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Companion Resource Guides for Workshops

These emerging Concordia Library Companion Resource Guides will serve to highlight and enhance the content of each workshop in the Pîkiskwêtân Indigenous Directions Learning Series, a set of decolonizing and anti-racist Indigenous awareness training and professional development workshops for members the Concordia community. The guides aim to offer opportunities for further learning and thinking via relevant books, reports, articles, web sites, podcasts and videos.

This workshop, most recently facilitated by Geneviève Sioui, Allan Vicaire, Amanda Shawayahamish and Sarah Monnier, was designed to provide participants with the necessary tools and skills to successfully engage with Indigenous communities, collectives and organizations. Topics include: Indigenous protocols, the role of Elders, consultation versus engagement, building long term trust relationships and leveraging the right expertise.

The companion resource guide was collaboratively produced with the Office of Community Engagement as well as local community organizations Mikana and Montreal Indigenous NETWORK.  Also available in French due to its intended audience beyond the university, the guide includes sections to help you: assess your knowledge and learn from Indigenous expertise, reflect on your own position and responsibilities, and find examples of best practices via Indigenous-led partnerships and initiatives.

Le guide de ressources bilingue s'adresse à tous ceux qui souhaitent s’engager avec succès et sincérité auprès des communautés, des collectivités et des organisations autochtones. 

Partenaires : Mikana, un organisme autochtone sans but lucratif qui a pour mission d’œuvrer au changement social en sensibilisant différents publics sur les réalités et perspectives des peuples autochtones, le RÉSEAU de la communauté autochtone à Montréal, un organisme sans but lucratif engagé à améliorer la qualité de vie des membres des Premières Nations, des Inuits et des Métis qui habitent dans la région du grand Montréal, le Bureau de l’engagement communautaire de Concordia, une unité qui noue et entretient des relations fructueuses et mutuellement profitables entre l’Université et les diverses communautés montréalaises, et la Bibliothèque de Concordia. 

This workshop, facilitated by Dr. Bimadoshka Pucan and Dr. Paulina Johnson, sought to help participants gain a better understanding of the contemporary health issues of Indigenous people and how they can present obstacles to academic success. It presented Indigenous perspectives on wholistic health including principles associated to the Medicine Wheel and miyo-pimâtisiwin.

The companion resource guide highlights selected resources, including podcasts, articles, books and videos to expand your knowledge and thinking regarding the health and well-being of Indigenous peoples in what is now known as Canada. Topics include the decolonization of physical and mental health, land-based healing, and food sovereignty.  

This workshop, facilitated by Manon Tremblay, seeks to clarify the concepts of decolonization, indigenization and reconciliation. It presents Indigenous perspectives and discusses obstacles such as resistance to change, racist attitudes towards Indigenous peoples, academic freedom, power and privilege.

The companion resource guide offers recommendations for learning more about each of the three interrelated concepts and also includes sections on colonialism, identity appropriation, and taking responsibility. 

This workshop, facilitated by Allan Vicaire and Adamina Partridge in 2021, is designed to provide participants with an overview of the history of Indigenous education in Canada. It discusses contemporary issues in education and examines the continuing impact of government education policies. Topics include: First Nations and Inuit education prior to contact; residential schools; education as an assimilation tool; culture and language loss; Indian Control of Indian Education; systemic racism in the K-12 school system; and land-based education. The goal of the workshop is to help participants gain a better understanding of the barriers to recruitment, retention and graduation of Indigenous students.

The companion resource guide resources are divided into those related to settler colonial policies and practices, such as residential schools, day schools, and sixties scoop practices. and those related to the reclaiming of education, such as language revitalization and land-based pedagogy. 

This workshop is designed to provide participants with a glimpse into the experiences of First Nations, Métis and Inuit students in post-secondary education and usually includes a panel of students sharing their personal stories. Topics include tokenism and racial prejudice in the classroom, community expectations, the importance of culturally safe spaces on campus, barriers to academic success as well as myths and stereotypes tied to funding opportunities and more. 

The companion resource guide offers recommendations for learning more about each of the three interrelated concepts of decolonization, indigenization and reconciliation, and also includes sections on colonialism, identity appropriation, and taking responsibility. 

This workshop, facilitated by Donna Goodleaf, introduces participants to Concordia’s territorial acknowledgment and explains the importance of recognizing the land on which Concordia is built. The wording of the Acknowledgment is explained and participants are provided with the necessary knowledge and skills to understand when an Acknowledgment is appropriate and needed. Participants also learn how to deliver a Territorial Acknowledgement that is honest, respectful and meaningful.

The companion resource guide recaps some definitions of territorial acknowledgement and offers recommended resources such as: tools to develop your own acknowledgement, land, territory and mapping resources, and insights into some of the current debates about territorial acknowledgements.

This workshop was designed to help participants examine their personal values and biases and learn to interact respectfully and effectively with Indigenous peoples. It explores the four components of cultural competence: awareness of one’s own cultural worldview, attitude towards Indigenous peoples, knowledge of Indigenous peoples’ cultural practices and worldviews and cross-cultural skills.

The companion resource guide provides additional information on the topics of cultural safety and cultural competence. It lists books, websites and reports aimed at debunking stereotypes about Indigenous peoples and examining institutional discrimination. Also included are resources aimed to help you reflect on your own biases and build your own cultural competencies. 

This workshop, facilitated by Manon Tremblay, was designed to provide historical and contemporary perspectives on the politics and realities of being Indigenous. Topics include government assimilation policies, treatment of Indigenous people in the justice system, cultural appropriation, representation in the media and the misappropriation of Indigenous identity.

The companion resource guide offers a selection of essential books, articles, podcasts and videos on topics relevant to Indigenous identities and realities in what is now known as Canada. Sections include:Primer Resources, Indigenous Realities in Settler Society, Indigenous Representations, Identity & Appropriation. Resources cover topics such as land dispossession, forced assimilation, media representations, racial profiling, and cultural appropriation.

This workshop, facilitated by Manon Tremblay, was designed to help managers and supervisors acquire the tools and skills to effectively hire, retain, mentor and progress the careers of Indigenous employees. Participants are also invited to explore unconscious biases in the hiring, retention and performance evaluation of Indigenous employees.

The companion resource guide offers a selection of resources related to understanding employment barriers and demographics, best practices and strategies for recruitment and retention, and finding Indigenous-focused employment resources. 

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These resource guides are curated by Chloe Belair-Morin and Sarah Monnier, Indigenous Student Librarians at Concordia Library, with essential content contributions from the Pîkiskwêtân workshop leaders.

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