Published articles, reviews, and book chapters by CSBN members from 2009 to the present.
Evangelista C, Mehrez N, Boisvert EE, Brake WG, Shizgal P (2023) The priming effect of rewarding brain stimulation in rats depends on both the cost and strength of reward but survives blockade of D2-like dopamine receptors. Eur J Neurosci 58:3751-3784. [PubMed] [DOI]
Sedki F, D'Cunha TM, Rizzo D, Mayers L, Cohen J, Chao ST, Shalev U (2023) Modulation of cue value and the augmentation of heroin seeking in chronically food-restricted male rats under withdrawal. Pharmacol Biochem Behav 173636. [PubMed] [DOI]
Sandre A, Bagot RC, Weinberg A (2019) Blunted neural response to appetitive images prospectively predicts symptoms of depression, and not anxiety, during the transition to university. Biol Psychol 145:31-41. [PubMed] [DOI]
Muir J, Lopez J, Bagot RC (2019) Wiring the depressed brain: optogenetic and chemogenetic circuit interrogation in animal models of depression. Neuropsychopharmacology 44:1013-1026. [PubMed] [DOI]
Cates HM, Lardner CK, Bagot RC, Neve RL, Nestler EJ (2019) Fosb induction in nucleus accumbens by cocaine is regulated by E2F3a. eNeuro 6. [PubMed] [DOI]
Pena CJ, Nestler EJ, Bagot RC (2019) Environmental programming of susceptibility and resilience to stress in adulthood in male mice. Front Behav Neurosci 13:40. [PubMed] [DOI]
Cates HM, Bagot RC, Heller EA, Purushothaman I, Lardner CK, Walker DM, Pena CJ, Neve RL, Shen L, Nestler EJ (2019) A novel role for E2F3b in regulating cocaine action in the prefrontal cortex. Neuropsychopharmacology 44:776-784. [PubMed] [DOI]
Glovaci I, Chapman CA (2019) Dopamine induces release of calcium from internal stores in layer II lateral entorhinal cortex fan cells. Cell Calcium 80:103-111. [PubMed] [DOI]
Carter F, Chapman CA (2019) Serotonin 5-HT1A receptor-mediated reduction of excitatory synaptic transmission in layers II/III of the parasubiculum. Neuroscience 406:325-332. [PubMed] [DOI]
Chisholm A, Iannuzzi J, Rizzo D, Gonzalez N, Fortin E, Bumbu A, Batallan Burrowes AA, Chapman CA, Shalev U (2019) The role of the paraventricular nucleus of the thalamus in the augmentation of heroin seeking induced by chronic food restriction. Addict Biol. [PubMed] [DOI]
Khoo SY, Sciascia JM, Pettorelli A, Maddux JN, Chaudhri N (2019) The medial prefrontal cortex is required for responding to alcohol-predictive cues but only in the absence of alcohol delivery. J Psychopharmacol 33:842-854. [PubMed] [DOI]
Cofresi RU, Grote DJ, Le EVT, Monfils MH, Chaudhri N, Gonzales RA, Lee HJ (2019) Alcohol-associated antecedent stimuli elicit alcohol seeking in non-dependent rats and may activate the insula. Alcohol 76:91-102. [PubMed] [DOI]
Cofresi RU, Monfils MH, Chaudhri N, Gonzales RA, Lee HJ (2019) Cue-alcohol associative learning in female rats. Alcohol 81:1-9. [PubMed] [DOI]
Khoo SY, LeCocq MR, Deyab GE, Chaudhri N (2019) Context and topography determine the role of basolateral amygdala metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 in appetitive Pavlovian responding. Neuropsychopharmacology. [PubMed] [DOI]
Courtemanche R, Cammalleri A (2019) Basal ganglia: striosomes and the link between motivation and action. Curr Biol 29:R62-R65. [PubMed] [DOI]
Jegou A, Schabus M, Gosseries O, Dahmen B, Albouy G, Desseilles M, Sterpenich V, Phillips C, Maquet P, Grova C, Dang-Vu TT (2019) Cortical reactivations during sleep spindles following declarative learning. Neuroimage 195:104-112. [PubMed] [DOI]
Cross NE, Carrier J, Postuma RB, Gosselin N, Kakinami L, Thompson C, Chouchou F, Dang-Vu TT (2019) Association between insomnia disorder and cognitive function in middle-aged and older adults: a cross-sectional analysis of the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging. Sleep zsz114. [PubMed] [DOI]
Decarie-Spain L, Fisette A, Zhu Z, Yang B, DiMarchi RD, Tschop MH, Finan B, Fulton S, Clemmensen C (2019) GLP-1/dexamethasone inhibits food reward without inducing mood and memory deficits in mice. Neuropharmacology 151:55-63. [PubMed] [DOI]
Bouyakdan K, Martin H, Lienard F, Budry L, Taib B, Rodaros D, Chretien C, Biron E, Husson Z, Cota D, Penicaud L, Fulton S, Fioramonti X, Alquier T (2019) The gliotransmitter ACBP controls feeding and energy homeostasis via the melanocortin system. J Clin Invest 130:2417-2430. [PubMed] [DOI]
Fulton S, Alquier T (2019) Lipid signalling in the mesolimbic dopamine pathway. Neuropsychopharmacology 44:221-222. [PubMed] [DOI]
Iordanova MD (2019) Dopamine signaling is critical for supporting cue-driven behavioral control. Neuroscience 83:142-149. [PubMed] [DOI]
Mahmud A, Petrov P, Esber GR, Iordanova MD (2019) The serial blocking effect: a testbed for the neural mechanisms of temporal-difference learning. Sci Rep 9. [PubMed] [DOI]
Lay BPP, Nicolosi M, Usypchuk AA, Esber GR, Iordanova MD (2019) Corrigendum: dissociation of appetitive overexpectation and extinction in the infralimbic cortex. Cereb Cortex 29:1703. [PubMed] [DOI]
Smart K, Cox SML, Scala SG, Tippler M, Jaworska N, Boivin M, Seguin JR, Benkelfat C, Leyton M (2019) Sex differences in [(11)C]ABP688 binding: a positron emission tomography study of mGlu5 receptors. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 46:1179-1183. [PubMed] [DOI]
Smart K, Cox SML, Kostikov A, Shalai A, Scala SG, Tippler M, Jaworska N, Boivin M, Seguin JR, Benkelfat C, Leyton M (2019) Effect of (Z)-isomer content on [(11)C]ABP688 binding potential in humans. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 46:1175-1178. [PubMed] [DOI]
Vosberg DE, Beaule V, Torres-Berrio A, Cooke D, Chalupa A, Jaworska N, Cox SML, Larcher K, Zhang Y, Allard D, Durand F, Dagher A, Benkelfat C, Srour M, Tampieri D, La Piana R, Joober R, Lepore F, Rouleau G, Pascual-Leone A, Fox MD, Flores C, Leyton M, Theoret H (2019) Neural function in DCC mutation carriers with and without mirror movements. Ann Neurol 85:433-442. [PubMed] [DOI]
Sharkey RJ, Bourque J, Larcher K, Misic B, Zhang Y, Altinkaya A, Sadikot A, Conrod P, Evans AC, Garavan H, Leyton M, Seguin JR, Pihl R, Dagher A (2019) Mesolimbic connectivity signatures of impulsivity and BMI in early adolescence. Appetite 132:25-36. [PubMed] [DOI]
Shafiei G, Zeighami Y, Clark CA, Coull JT, Nagano-Saito A, Leyton M, Dagher A, Misic B (2019) Dopamine signaling modulates the stability and integration of intrinsic brain networks. Cereb Cortex 29:397-409. [PubMed] [DOI]
Goldstein I, Althof SE, McMahon CG, van Rooij K, Janssen P, Tuiten A, Pfaus JG, Giraldi A (2019) Marcel D. Waldinger January 17, 1955-May 1, 2019. Sex Med Rev 7:377-379. [PubMed] [DOI]
Menard S, Gelez H, Girard-Beriault F, Coria-Avila G, Pfaus JG (2019) Differential role of oxytocin and vasopressin in the conditioned ejaculatory preference of the male rat. Physiol Behav 208:112577. [PubMed] [DOI]
Zavorsky GS, Vouyoukas E, Pfaus JG (2019) Sexual activity the night before exercise does not affect various measures of physical exercise performance. Sex Med 7:235-240. [PubMed] [DOI]
Quintana GR, Gonzalez B, Borduas E, Lemay V, Yarur F, Pfaus JG (2019) Naloxone disrupts the development of a conditioned ejaculatory preference based on a somatosensory cue in male rats. Behav Neurosci 133:198-202. [PubMed] [DOI]
Quintana GR, Desbiens S, Marceau S, Kalantari N, Bowden J, Pfaus JG (2019) Conditioned partner preference in male and female rats for a somatosensory cue. Behav Neurosci 133:188-197. [PubMed] [DOI]
Gerson CA, Mac Cionnaith CE, Quintana GR, Pfaus JG (2019) Effects of ovarian hormones on the emission of 50-kHz ultrasonic vocalizations during distributed clitoral stimulation in the rat. Horm Behav 109:1-9. [PubMed] [DOI]
Ahilan S, Solomon RB, Breton YA, Conover K, Niyogi RK, Shizgal P, Dayan P (2019) Learning to use past evidence in a sophisticated world model. PLoS Comput Biol 15:e1007093. [PubMed] [DOI]
Pantazopoulos H, Gamble K, Stork O, Amir S (2018) Circadian rhythms in regulation of brain processes and role in psychiatric disorders. Neural Plast 2018:5892657. [PubMed] [DOI]
Liu D, Stowie A, de Zavalia N, Leise T, Pathak SS, Drewes LR, Davidson AJ, Amir S, Sonenberg N, Cao R (2018) mTOR signaling in VIP neurons regulates circadian clock synchrony and olfaction. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 115:E3296-E3304. [PubMed] [DOI]
Anyan J, Amir S (2018) Too depressed to swim or too afraid to stop? A reinterpretation of the forced swim test as a measure of anxiety-like behavior. Neuropsychopharmacology 43:931-933. [PubMed] [DOI]
Hood S, Amir S (2018) Biological clocks and rhythms of anger and aggression. Front Behav Neurosci 12:4. [PubMed] [DOI]
Reynolds LM, Yetnikoff L, Pokinko M, Wodzinski M, Epelbaum JG, Lambert LC, Cossette MP, Arvanitogiannis A, Flores C (2018) Early adolescence is a critical period for the maturation of inhibitory behavior. Cereb Cortex 2018:5892657. [PubMed] [DOI]
Cuesta S, Restrepo-Lozano JM, Silvestrin S, Nouel D, Torres-Berrio A, Reynolds LM, Arvanitogiannis A, Flores C (2018) Non-contingent exposure to amphetamine in adolescence recruits miR-218 to regulate Dcc expression in the VTA. Neuropsychopharmacology 43:900-911. [PubMed] [DOI]
Walker DM, Cates HM, Loh YE, Purushothaman I, Ramakrishnan A, Cahill KM, Lardner CK, Godino A, Kronman HG, Rabkin J, Lorsch ZS, Mews P, Doyle MA, Feng J, Labonte B, Koo JW, Bagot RC, Logan RW, Seney ML, Calipari ES, Shen L, Nestler EJ (2018) Cocaine self-administration alters transcriptome-wide responses in the brain's reward circuitry. Biol Psychiatry 84:867-880. [PubMed] [DOI]
Ribeiro EA, Salery M, Scarpa JR, Calipari ES, Hamilton PJ, Ku SM, Kronman H, Purushothaman I, Juarez B, Heshmati M, Doyle M, Lardner C, Burek D, Strat A, Pirpinias S, Mouzon E, Han MH, Neve RL, Bagot RC, Kasarskis A, Koo JW, Nestler EJ (2018) Transcriptional and physiological adaptations in nucleus accumbens somatostatin interneurons that regulate behavioral responses to cocaine. Nat Commun 9:3149. [PubMed] [DOI]
Cates HM, Heller EA, Lardner CK, Purushothaman I, Pena CJ, Walker DM, Cahill ME, Neve RL, Shen L, Bagot RC, Nestler EJ (2018) Transcription factor E2F3a in nucleus accumbens affects cocaine action via transcription and alternative splicing. Biol Psychiatry 84:167-179. [PubMed] [DOI]
Cahill ME, Walker DM, Gancarz AM, Wang ZJ, Lardner CK, Bagot RC, Neve RL, Dietz DM, Nestler EJ (2018) The dendritic spine morphogenic effects of repeated cocaine use occur through the regulation of serum response factor signaling. Mol Psychiatry 23:1474-1486. [PubMed] [DOI]
Hultman R, Ulrich K, Sachs BD, Blount C, Carlson DE, Ndubuizu N, Bagot RC, Parise EM, Vu MT, Gallagher NM, Wang J, Silva AJ, Deisseroth K, Mague SD, Caron MG, Nestler EJ, Carin L, Dzirasa K (2018) Brain-wide electrical spatiotemporal dynamics encode depression vulnerability. Cell 173:166-180.e14. [PubMed] [DOI]
Lorsch ZS, Loh YE, Purushothaman I, Walker DM, Parise EM, Salery M, Cahill ME, Hodes GE, Pfau ML, Kronman H, Hamilton PJ, Issler O, Labonte B, Symonds AE, Zucker M, Zhang TY, Meaney MJ, Russo SJ, Shen L, Bagot RC, Nestler EJ (2018) Estrogen receptor alpha drives pro-resilient transcription in mouse models of depression. Nat Commun 9:1116. [PubMed] [DOI]
Muir J, Lorsch ZS, Ramakrishnan C, Deisseroth K, Nestler EJ, Calipari ES, Bagot RC (2018) In vivo fiber photometry reveals signature of future stress susceptibility in nucleus accumbens. Neuropsychopharmacology 43:255-263. [PubMed] [DOI]
Minogianis EA, Shams WM, Mabrouk OS, Wong JT, Brake WG, Kennedy RT, du Souich P, Samaha AN (2018) Varying the rate of intravenous cocaine infusion influences the temporal dynamics of both drug and dopamine concentrations in the striatum. Eur J Neurosci 2018:5892657. [PubMed] [DOI]
Shams WM, Cossette MP, Shizgal P, Brake WG (2018) 17beta-estradiol locally increases phasic dopamine release in the dorsal striatum. Neurosci Lett 665:29-32. [PubMed] [DOI]
Reed SJ, Lafferty CK, Mendoza JA, Yang AK, Davidson TJ, Grosenick L, Deisseroth K, Britt JP (2018) Coordinated reductions in excitatory input to the nucleus accumbens underlie food consumption. Neuron 99:1260-1273.e4. [PubMed] [DOI]
Villaruel FR, Lacroix F, Sanio C, Sparks DW, Chapman CA, Chaudhri N (2018) Optogenetic activation of the infralimbic cortex suppresses the return of appetitive Pavlovian-conditioned responding following extinction. Cereb Cortex 28:4210-4221. [PubMed] [DOI]
Batallan-Burrowes AA, Chapman CA (2018) Dopamine suppresses persistent firing in layer III lateral entorhinal cortex neurons. Neurosci Lett 674:70-74. [PubMed] [DOI]
LeCocq MR, Lahlou S, Chahine M, Padillo LN, Chaudhri N (2018) Modeling relapse to Pavlovian alcohol-seeking in rats using reinstatement and spontaneous recovery paradigms. Alcohol Clin Exp Res 42:1795-1806. [PubMed] [DOI]
Cofresi RU, Lee HJ, Monfils MH, Chaudhri N, Gonzales RA (2018) Characterizing conditioned reactivity to sequential alcohol-predictive cues in well-trained rats. Alcohol 69:41-49. [PubMed] [DOI]
Willadsen M, Best LM, Wohr M, Clarke PBS (2018) Effects of anxiogenic drugs on the emission of 22- and 50-kHz ultrasonic vocalizations in adult rats. Psychopharmacology (Berl) 235:2435-2445. [PubMed] [DOI]
Lin YC, Zhao LL, Clarke PBS (2018) Effects of acute morphine withdrawal on ultrasonic vocalizations in adult rats: unchanged 50-kHz call rate and altered subtype profile. Psychopharmacology (Berl) 235:1945-1953. [PubMed] [DOI]
Wright JM, Ren S, Constantin A, Clarke PBS (2018) Enhancement of a visual reinforcer by D-amphetamine and nicotine in adult rats: relation to habituation and food restriction. Psychopharmacology (Berl) 235:803-814. [PubMed] [DOI]
Constantin A, Clarke PBS (2018) Reinforcement enhancement by nicotine in adult rats: behavioral selectivity and relation to mode of delivery and blood nicotine levels. Psychopharmacology (Berl) 235:641-650. [PubMed] [DOI]
Courtemanche R, Lévesque M (2018) In vivo recordings of network activity using local field potentials and single units in movement and network pathophysiology. In: Sillitoe R. (eds) Extracellular Recording Approaches. Neuromethods, vol 134. Humana Press, New York, NY, pp. 249-266. [DOI]
Desjardins ME, Baril AA, Soucy JP, Dang-Vu TT, Desautels A, Petit D, Montplaisir J, Zadra A (2018) Altered brain perfusion patterns in wakefulness and slow-wave sleep in sleepwalkers. Sleep 41:5. [PubMed] [DOI]
Chouchou F, Dang-Vu TT, Rainville P, Lavigne G (2018) The role of sleep in learning placebo effects. Int Rev Neurobiol 139:321-355. [PubMed] [DOI]
Gregoire CA, Tobin S, Goldenstein BL, Samarut E, Leclerc A, Aumont A, Drapeau P, Fulton S, Fernandes KJL (2018) RNA-sequencing reveals unique transcriptional signatures of running and running-independent environmental enrichment in the adult mouse dentate gyrus. Front Mol Neurosci 11:126. [PubMed] [DOI]
Decarie-Spain L, Sharma S, Hryhorczuk C, Issa-Garcia V, Barker PA, Arbour N, Alquier T, Fulton S (2018) Nucleus accumbens inflammation mediates anxiodepressive behavior and compulsive sucrose seeking elicited by saturated dietary fat. Mol Metab 10:1-13. [PubMed] [DOI]
Auguste S, Sharma S, Fisette A, Fernandes MF, Daneault C, Des Rosiers C, Fulton S (2018) Perinatal deficiency in dietary omega-3 fatty acids potentiates sucrose reward and diet-induced obesity in mice. Int J Dev Neurosci 64:8-13. [PubMed] [DOI]
Hryhorczuk C, Sheng Z, Decarie-Spain L, Giguere N, Ducrot C, Trudeau LE, Routh VH, Alquier T, Fulton S (2018) Oleic acid in the ventral tegmental area inhibits feeding, food reward, and dopamine tone. Neuropsychopharmacology 43:607-616. [PubMed] [DOI]
Lay BPP, Nicolosi M, Usypchuk AA, Esber GR, Iordanova MD (2018) Dissociation of appetitive overexpectation and extinction in the infralimic cortex. Cereb Cortex. [PubMed] [DOI]
Iordanova MD (2018) Thought control with the dopamine transient. Learn Behav. [PubMed] [DOI]
Shakra MA, Leyton M, Moghnieh H, Pruessner J, Dagher A, Pihl R (2018) Neurobiological correlates and predictors of two distinct personality trait pathways to escalated alcohol use. EBioMedicine 27:86-93. [PubMed] [DOI]
Smart K, Cox SML, Nagano-Saito A, Rosa-Neto P, Leyton M, Benkelfat C (2018) Test-retest variability of [(11) C]ABP688 estimates of metabotropic glutamate receptor subtype 5 availability in humans. Synapse 72:e22041. [PubMed] [DOI]
Leyton M (2018) Are people with psychiatric disorders violent? J Psychiatry Neurosci 43:220-222. [PubMed] [PMC]
Vosberg DE, Zhang Y, Menegaux A, Chalupa A, Manitt C, Zehntner S, Eng C, DeDuck K, Allard D, Durand F, Dagher A, Benkelfat C, Srour M, Joober R, Lepore F, Rouleau G, Theoret H, Bedell BJ, Flores C, Leyton M (2018) Mesocorticolimbic connectivity and volumetric alterations in DCC mutation carriers. J Neurosci 38:4655-4665. [PubMed] [DOI]
Lissemore JI, Sookman D, Gravel P, Berney A, Barsoum A, Diksic M, Nordahl TE, Pinard G, Sibon I, Cottraux J, Leyton M, Benkelfat C (2018) Brain serotonin synthesis capacity in obsessive-compulsive disorder: effects of cognitive behavioral therapy and sertraline. Transl Psychiatry 8:82. [PubMed] [DOI]
Holley A, Joulakian L, Wenzel K, Roorda S Jr, Gonzalez B, Sparks L, Pfaus JG (2018) Inhibition of lysine-specific demethylase enzyme disrupts sexually conditioned mate guarding in the female rat. Physiol Behav 196:78-83. [PubMed] [DOI]
Quintana GR, Guizar A, Rassi S, Pfaus JG (2018) First sexual experiences determine the development of conditioned ejaculatory preference in male rats. Learn Mem 25:522-532. [PubMed] [DOI]
Quintana GR, Jackson M, Nasr M, Pfaus JG (2018) Effect of CS preexposure on the conditioned ejaculatory preference of the male rat: behavioral analyses and neural correlates. Learn Mem 25:513-521. [PubMed] [DOI]
Coria-Avila GA, Cibrian-Llanderal T, Diaz-Estrada VX, Garcia LI, Toledo-Cardenas R, Pfaus JG, Manzo J (2018) Brain activation associated to olfactory conditioned same-sex partner preference in male rats. Horm Behav 99:50-56. [PubMed] [DOI]
Tuiten A, van Rooij K, Bloemers J, Eisenegger C, van Honk J, Kessels R, Kingsberg S, Derogatis LR, de Leede L, Gerritsen J, Koppeschaar HPF, Olivier B, Everaerd W, Frijlink HW, Hohle D, de Lange RPJ, Bocker KBE, Pfaus JG (2018) Efficacy and safety of on-demand use of 2 treatments designed for different etiologies of female sexual interest/arousal disorder: 3 randomized clinical trials. J Sex Med 15:201-216. [PubMed] [DOI]
Hyland L, Rosenbaum S, Edwards A, Palacios D, Graham MD, Pfaus JG, Woodside B, Abizaid A (2018) Central ghrelin receptor stimulation modulates sex motivation in male rats in a site dependent manner. Horm Behav 97:56-66. [PubMed] [DOI]
Tuiten A, Michiels F, Bocker KB, Hohle D, van Honk J, de Lange RP, van Rooij K, Kessels R, Bloemers J, Gerritsen J, Janssen P, de Leede L, Meyer JJ, Everaerd W, Frijlink HW, Koppeschaar HP, Olivier B, Pfaus JG (2018) Genotype scores predict drug efficacy in subtypes of female sexual interest/arousal disorder: A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled cross-over trial. Womens Health (Lond) 14:1745506518788970. [PubMed] [DOI]
Dai JB, Chen Y, Sakata JT (2018) EGR-1 Expression in catecholamine-synthesizing neurons reflects auditory learning and correlates with responses in auditory processing areas. Neuroscience 379:415-427. [PubMed] [DOI]
James LS, Dai JB, Sakata JT (2018) Ability to modulate birdsong across social contexts develops without imitative social learning. Biol Lett 14. [PubMed] [DOI]
Anyan J, Verwey M, Amir S (2017) Individual differences in circadian locomotor parameters correlate with anxiety- and depression-like behavior. PLoS One 12:e0181375. [PubMed] [Content]
Gavrila AM, Hood S, Robinson B, Amir S (2017) Effects of bilateral anterior agranular insula lesions on food anticipatory activity in rats. PLoS One 12:e0179370. [PubMed] [Content]
Hood S, Amir S (2017) Neurodegeneration and the circadian clock. Front Aging Neurosci 9:170. [PubMed] [Content]
Frederick A, Goldsmith J, de Zavalia N, Amir S (2017) Mapping the co-localization of the circadian proteins PER2 and BMAL1 with enkephalin and substance P throughout the rodent forebrain. PLoS One 12:e0176279. [PubMed] [Content]
Opiol H, de Zavalia N, Delorme T, Solis P, Rutherford S, Shalev U, Amir S (2017) Exploring the role of locomotor sensitization in the circadian food entrainment pathway. PLoS One 12:e0174113. [PubMed] [Content]
Hood S, Amir S (2017) The aging clock: circadian rhythms and later life. J Clin Invest 127:437-446. [PubMed] [Content]
Abbas Z, Sweet A, Hernandez G, Arvanitogiannis A (2017) Adolescent exposure to methylphenidate increases impulsive choice later in life. Front Behav Neurosci 11:214. [PubMed] [Content]
Pena CJ, Kronman HG, Walker DM, Cates HM, Bagot RC, Purushothaman I, Issler O, Loh YE, Leong T, Kiraly DD, Goodman E, Neve RL, Shen L, Nestler EJ (2017) Early life stress confers lifelong stress susceptibility in mice via ventral tegmental area OTX2. Science 356:1185-1188. [PubMed] [Content]
Walsh RM, Shen EY, Bagot RC, Anselmo A, Jiang Y, Javidfar B, Wojtkiewicz GJ, Cloutier J, Chen JW, Sadreyev R, Nestler EJ, Akbarian S, Hochedlinger K (2017) Phf8 loss confers resistance to depression-like and anxiety-like behaviors in mice. Nat Commun 8:15142. [PubMed] [Content]
Torres-Berrio A, Lopez JP, Bagot RC, Nouel D, Dal Bo G, Cuesta S, Zhu L, Manitt C, Eng C, Cooper HM, Storch KF, Turecki G, Nestler EJ, Flores C (2017) DCC confers susceptibility to depression-like behaviors in humans and mice and is regulated by miR-218. Biol Psychiatry 81:306-315. [PubMed] [Content]
Bagot RC, Cates HM, Purushothaman I, Vialou V, Heller EA, Yieh L, LaBonte B, Pena CJ, Shen L, Wittenberg GM, Nestler EJ (2017) Ketamine and imipramine reverse transcriptional signatures of susceptibility and induce resilience-specific gene expression profiles. Biol Psychiatry 81:285-295. [PubMed] [Content]
Almey A, Arena L, Oliel J, Shams WM, Hafez N, Mancinelli C, Henning L, Tsanev A, Brake WG (2017) Interactions between estradiol and haloperidol on perseveration and reversal learning in amphetamine-sensitized female rats. Horm Behav 89:113-120. [PubMed] [Content]
Robinson JC, Chapman CA, Courtemanche R (2017) Gap junction modulation of low-frequency oscillations in the cerebellar granule cell layer. Cerebellum 16:802-811. [PubMed] [Content]
Valyear MD, Villaruel FR, Chaudhri N (2017) Alcohol-seeking and relapse: a focus on incentive salience and contextual conditioning. Behav Processes 141:26-32. [PubMed] [Content]
Lacroix F, Pettorelli A, Maddux JN, Heidari-Jam A, Chaudhri N (2017) Varenicline reduces context-induced relapse to alcohol-seeking through actions in the nucleus accumbens. Neuropsychopharmacology 42:1037-1048. [PubMed] [Content]
Cofresi RU, Lewis SM, Chaudhri N, Lee HJ, Monfils MH, Gonzales RA (2017) Postretrieval extinction attenuates alcohol cue reactivity in rats. Alcohol Clin Exp Res 41:608-617. [PubMed] [Content]
Maddux JN, Chaudhri N (2017) Nicotine-induced enhancement of Pavlovian alcohol-seeking behavior in rats. Psychopharmacology (Berl) 234:727-738. [PubMed] [Content]
Jones-Tabah J, Clarke PB, Hebert TE (2017) Measuring G protein-coupled receptor signalling in the brain with resonance energy transfer based biosensors. Curr Opin Pharmacol 32:44-48. [PubMed] [Content]
Best LM, Zhao LL, Scardochio T, Clarke PB (2017) Effects of repeated morphine on ultrasonic vocalizations in adult rats: increased 50-kHz call rate and altered subtype profile. Psychopharmacology (Berl) 234:155-165. [PubMed] [Content]
Chadnova E, St-Onge N, Courtemanche R, Kilgour RD (2017) Kinematics and muscle activation patterns during a maximal voluntary rate activity in healthy elderly and young adults. Aging Clin Exp Res 29:1001-1011. [PubMed] [Content]
Dang-Vu TT, Hatch B, Salimi A, Mograss M, Boucetta S, O'Byrne J, Brandewinder M, Berthomier C, Gouin JP (2017) Sleep spindles may predict response to cognitive-behavioral therapy for chronic insomnia. Sleep Med 39:54-61. [PubMed] [Content]
Boucetta S, Montplaisir J, Zadra A, Lachapelle F, Soucy JP, Gravel P, Dang-Vu TT (2017) Altered regional cerebral blood flow in idiopathic hypersomnia. Sleep 40:10. [PubMed] [Content]
Waters F, Moretto U, Dang-Vu TT (2017) Psychiatric illness and parasomnias: a systematic review. Curr Psychiatry Rep 19:37. [PubMed] [Content]
MacNeil S, Deschenes SS, Caldwell W, Brouillard M, Dang-Vu TT, Gouin JP (2017) High-frequency heart rate variability reactivity and trait worry interact to predict the development of sleep disturbances in response to a naturalistic stressor. Ann Behav Med 51:912-924. [PubMed] [Content]
Smith D, Schabus M, Dang-Vu TT (2017) Sleep: implications for theories of dreaming and consciousness. Reference Module in Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Psychology, Elsevier, ISBN 9780128093245. [DOI]
Hryhorczuk C, Decarie-Spain L, Sharma S, Daneault C, Rosiers CD, Alquier T, Fulton S (2017) Saturated high-fat feeding independent of obesity alters hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis function but not anxiety-like behaviour. Psychoneuroendocrinology 83:142-149. [PubMed] [Content]
Nagano-Saito A, Lissemore JI, Gravel P, Leyton M, Carbonell F, Benkelfat C (2017) Posterior dopamine D2/3 receptors and brain network functional connectivity. Synapse 71:e21993. [PubMed] [Content]
Cawley E, Tippler M, Coupland NJ, Benkelfat C, Boivin DB, Aan Het Rot M, Leyton M (2017) Dopamine and light: effects on facial emotion recognition. J Psychopharmacol 31:1225-1233. [PubMed] [Content]
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