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The HERMES team comprises university researchers and clinicians specialized in the field of addictions. 

HERMES Team Directors

Dr. Nadine Blanchette-Martin

Nadine Blanchette-Martin, MSW

Clinical co-director of the HERMES team
Service de recherche en dépendance du CIUSSS de la Capitale-Nationale and CISSS de Chaudière-Appalaches

Annie-Claude Savard, PhD

Annie-Claude Savard, PhD

Interim scientific co-director of the HERMES team
Associate professor, School of social work and criminology, Université Laval

University-affiliated researchers

Magaly Brodeur, MD, PhD

Magaly Brodeur, MD, PhD

Associate professor
Département de médecine de famille et de médecine d’urgence
Université de Sherbrooke

Magali Dufour, PhD

Magali Dufour, PhD

Associate professor
Department of psychology
Université du Québec à Montréal

Martin French, PhD

Martin French, PhD

Associate professor
Department of sociology and anthropology 
Concordia University


Sylvia Kairouz, PhD

Sylvia Kairouz, PhD

Full professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Concordia University
Former co-director of the HERMES research team

Eva Monson, PhD

Eva Monson, PhD

Assistant professor
Faculty of medicine and health sciences
Université de Sherbrooke

Adèle Morvannou, PhD

Adèle Morvannou, PhD

Assistant professor
Faculty of medicine and health sciences
Université de Sherbrooke

Andrée-Anne Légaré, PhD

Andrée-Anne Légaré, PhD

Assistant professor
Faculty of medicine and health sciences
Université de Sherbrooke

Institutional researchers

Francine Ferland, PhD

Francine Ferland, PhD

Researcher at CIUSSS de la Capitale-Nationale
Associate professor
School of Psychology
Université Laval

Clinical researchers

Guylaine Sarrazin

Guylaine Sarrazin 

Clinical Activities Specialist, Social Worker (M.Sc)
Mental Health and Dependency Programs Division
CISSS de la Montérégie-Ouest addiction rehabilitation center
Service Régional d'Encadrement Professionnel En Dépendance (SREPED) 

Valérie Van Mourik, MSc

Valérie Van Mourik, MSc

Clinical researcher
CIUSSS du Centre-Sud-de-l'Île-de-Montréal




Alessia Civita

Alessia Civita, B.A

MSc Psychiatry, McGill University 

Student representative 

Katerine Lehmann, MSc

Katerine Lehmann, MSc

MSc Health Science Research, with a Specialization in Addiction Services, University of Sherbrooke

Research assistants 

Océane Piquion-Pierre

Océane Piquion-Pierre

B.A Sociology, Concordia University

Océane Piquion-Pierre

Claire Aboudarham

Communications and marketing specialist

Former members

Louise Nadeau, PhD

Louise Nadeau, PhD

Professor emeritus
Department of Psychology
Université de Montréal



Sylvie R. Gagnon, T.S., MSc

Sylvie R. Gagnon, T.S., MSc

Clinical researcher
Direction programmes santé mentale et dépendance
CISSS de Lanaudière
Centre de réadaptation en dépendance de Terrebonne

Current students

Postdoctoral students

Name Project  Supervisors  
Lynch, Dr Erin Ethnography of Casinos. Dr French
Murch, Dr Spencer Development of an online problem gambling detection system. Dr Kairouz & Dr French

Doctoral students

Name Project  Supervisors  
Barube, Lucie The problematic use of the Internet amongst young Quebecers with ADHD: The mediating role of parental support, attachment to peers and sense of belonging at school, depending on the type of preferential application. Dr Dufour
Bertrand-Danjou, Andréane The impacts of the game on the player’s journey. Dr Ferland
Chouinard, Bianca Evaluation of the prevention program: Pause your screen for Capsane aimed to reduce hyperconnectivity and raise awareness of screen time amongst young people. Dr Dufour
Fillion, Emily Research experiments help women who engage in gambling and online gambling. Dr Morvannou & Dr Monson
Gatineau, Catherine Coping strategies for parents of young people with Internet use problem. Dr Dufour
Hébert-Ratté, Roxanne To be determined.  Dr Dufour
Hodhood, Brian Longitudinal study of eroded beliefs in poker players. Dr Dufour
Hoebanx, Pauline Slot machine Vlogs: Escape the regulatory framework set by YouTube on gambling ads. Dr French
Jobin, Emilie Psychoactive substance use and video games: Literature review. Dr Morvannou & Dr Monson
Lajeunesse, Marc The value of objects in the game. Dr French
Lavoie, Christine Anxiety and problematic Internet use. Dr Dufour

Masters' students

Name Project  Supervisors  
Andreeva, Mariva Gambling and suicide: A gender-based analysis of Quebec coroner’s reports (1993-2020). Dr Brodeur
Jourdenais, Pierre-Olivier Pokerstars, the Stars Group and conflicting discourses of accountability. Dr French
Lachance, Calvin Harm reduction and mobile applications. Dr French
Laforge, Jean-Philippe  Medicalization and social construction of videogame addiction. Dr Kairouz & Dr Savard
Malenfant, Marianne Online gambling ads. Dr Savard
Lehmann, Katerine Exploring gambling practices and perceptions of responsibility before and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Dr Monson
Pilote, Laurèle Women’s experience with the positive body movement on Instagram: Study of a relationship with social media. Dr Savard
Thériault, Caroline Consequences experienced by family members of people with Internet addiction. Dr Ferland 
Vista, Cristy To be determined. Dr French
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