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Participez à nos activités de recherche

Contribuez à nos efforts en recherche en participant à une étude. Nous recrutons actuellement des participantes et des participants dans le cadre des études ci-après. Pour y participer, communiquez avec l’équipe de recherche directement par courriel ou par téléphone.

Ces initiatives de recherche ne pourraient avoir lieu sans la collaboration de personnes qui acceptent d’y prendre part sur une base volontaire. Outre la possibilité d’acquérir des connaissances utiles sur le déroulement de la recherche et de se renseigner sur le domaine étudié, les personnes participantes peuvent en apprendre davantage sur elles-mêmes. La participation aux études est ouverte au public.

Abonnez-vous à notre liste d’envoi pour en savoir plus sur les nouvelles études

Nous envoyons souvent des courriels aux personnes inscrites sur notre liste d’envoi pour les informer lorsqu’une chercheuse ou un chercheur souhaite recruter des sujets dans le cadre de ses travaux.

Les descriptions de projet sont disponibles en anglais seulement.

Looking for participants who are:

  • Over 18 Years Old
  • Non-Smoker


Participants will receive personalized health information + compensation


If you are interested, please email us at:

Interested in napping for science?
We have a study for you!

We are looking for volunteers for a research project at Concordia University (Loyola Campus) investigating the effects of sleep on learning.

This involves one testing session using electroencephalography (EEG) to record the electrical activity of the brain while performing a cognitive task and during a nap.

Volunteers must:

  • Be aged between 60 and 75.
  • Be right-handed.
  • Be in good overall health.
  • Have consistent sleep habits.
  • Have less than two years of formal musical training.

Volunteers must not:

  • Be taking medications that alter sleep or wakefulness.

If you are interested in participating or are unsure if you meet one criterion, please contact us for more details at:

Volunteers will be compensated for their time.

Intéressés à prendre une sieste pour la science?
Nous avons une étude pour vous!

Nous cherchons des volontaires pour un projet de recherche à l’université Concordia (Campus Loyola) portant sur les effets du sommeil sur l’apprentissage.

Il s’agit d’une seule séance de tests utilisant l’électroencéphalographie (EEG) pour enregistrer l’activité électrique du cerveau lors de l’exécution d’une tâche cognitive et lors d'une sieste.

Les volontaires doivent:

  • Être âgés entre 60 et 75 ans.
  • Être droitiers.
  • Être en bonne santé.
  • Avoir des habitudes de sommeil consistantes.
  • Avoir moins de deux ans de formation musicale.

Les volontaires ne doivent pas:

  • Prendre des médicaments qui affectent la qualité de sommeil ou de l’éveil.

Si vous êtes intéressés à participer ou si vous êtes incertains de réponde à une des exigences, contactez-nous pour plus de détails au:

Les volontaires seront rémunérés pour leur temps.

Participants Wanted

Evaluation of Dyadic Rest, Activity, and Nutrition:
the eDRAN study


We are looking for COUPLES in which at least one partner is trying to change their diet and/or physical activity habits.

The main goal of this study is to investigate the associations among different types of couples’ behaviours, eating, resting, and physical activity behaviours, and risk for chronic diseases.

What's involved?

  • You and your partner will be asked to complete:
  • Online questionnaires.
  • An in-person visit during which you will do different physical tests
  • An online discussion task with your partner
  • Wear two portable devices for 7 days

Both partners have to participate and complete 3 assessments over 2 years.

  • Earn up to $250 as a couple for participating in this study and receive a lifestyle assessment and help advance our understanding of the impact of lifestyle habits on health among couples!


Inclusion Criteria

You can participate if either you or your partner are

  • Overweight and trying to improve your diet and/or physical activity

AND you both are:

  • Aged 50 years or older
  • Have been living together for at least two years
  • Are currently living in the Greater Montreal area
  • Speak English and/or French
  • Have access to an electronic device allowing videoconferencing


Exclusion Criteria

Individuals who meet any of the following criteria cannot participate in the study:

  • Mobility issues or medical treatment limiting participation in physical activity


Principle Investigator

Dr. Jean-Philippe Gouin


Affiliation (Lab/Department)

Department of Psychology, Concordia University


Contact Information

  514-848-2424 x 2206;

How does my diet impact brain health?

A study to explore how diet and gut bacteria can impact brain structure and function

Looking for healthy adults over 30 years:

Brain-Gut Graphic

What is involved?

  • Online questionnaire: 45 minutes
  • Lab and home tests: 1 hour
  • Brain function tests: 1 hour


Learn more:

Financial compensation provided

Quel est l’impact de mon alimentation sur la santé du cerveau?

Étude pour explorer comment l’alimentation et les bactéries intestinalis peuvent
affecter la structure et la function du cerveau

Recherche d’adultes en bonne santé âgés de plus de 30 ans:

Brain-Gut Graphic

En quoi consiste l’étude?

  • Questionnaire en ligne: 45 minutes
  • Tests en laboratoire et à domicile: 1 heure
  • Tests cognitifs: 1 heure


En savoire plus:

Compensation financière fournie

We are currently looking for male and female regular computer users with neck or shoulder pain (age: 30-50 years old) to participate in one or both of our studies:

Study #1:

Goal of the research: To determine which type of short pause (active or passive) is more efficient in changing muscle activity during a computer task.

Participation in this study involves:

  • Duration: One recording session for a period of 3 hours.
  • A monetary compensation will be given to participate in this study.
  • Location: PERFORM Centre, 7200 Sherbrooke St. West, Montréal.


Study #2:

Goal of the research: To investigate the effects of a 6-week exercise protocol on muscle activation during a computer task.

Participation in this study involves:

  • Intervention: Participants will be randomized to either intervention or control group. The intervention will consist of home-based online exercises targeting neck/shoulder muscles for 3 times/week, for a period of 6 weeks. Participants assigned to the control group will be offered to take part in the intervention after participating in the second testing session.
  • Duration: Two testing sessions, separated by 6 weeks for a period of up to 2 hours for each session
  • A monetary compensation of $40 will be given to participate in each testing session of this study
  • Location: PERFORM Centre, 7200 Sherbrooke St. West, Montréal.

If interested in either study, please contact Alireza Derakhshani at or (514) 268-6989.

Nous sommes à la recherche de participants hommes et femmes qui utilisent l’ordinateur sur une base régulière et souffrant de douleurs au cou ou aux épaules (âge : 30-50 ans) pour participer à l'une ou aux deux de nos études :

Étude #1:

But du projet de recherche : Le but de ce projet est de déterminer quel type de pause de courte durée (active ou passive) est plus efficace pour modifier l'activation musculaire pendant une tâche à l’ordinateur.

La participation à cette étude comprend:

  • Durée : Une session d'enregistrement d’une durée de 3 heures.
  • Une compensation financière vous sera remise pour votre participation.
  • Lieu : Centre PERFORM, 7200, rue Sherbrooke Ouest, Montréal.

Étude #2:

But du projet de recherche : Le but de ce projet est de déterminer quel type de pause de courte durée (active ou passive) est plus efficace pour modifier l'activation musculaire pendant une tâche à l’ordinateur.

La participation à cette étude comprend:

  • Intervention : les participants seront randomisés dans le groupe d'intervention ou le groupe témoin. L'intervention consistera en des exercices en ligne à domicile ciblant les muscles du cou/des épaules 3 fois/semaine, pendant une période de 6 semaines. Les participants affectés au groupe témoin se verront proposer de participer à l'intervention après avoir participé à la deuxième session d'enregistrement.
  • Durée : Deux sessions d'enregistrement, espacées de 6 semaines pour une durée pouvant aller jusqu'à 2 heures pour chaque session
  • Une compensation financière d’un montant de 40$ vous sera remise pour votre participation à chacune des sessions d'enregistrement.
  • Lieu : Centre PERFORM, 7200, rue Sherbrooke Ouest, Montréal.

Si vous êtes intéressé, veuillez contacter Alireza Derakhshani à


Are you an average (8-9hr/night) sleeper?


Participation in this study involves:

  • Two overnight sleep recordings in the PERFORM Sleep Lab
  • Wearing a motion watch while completing a sleep diary
  • Cardiorespiratory fitness test
  • A moderate intensity exercise session
  • Completion of cognitive tasks
  • Filling out a sleep diary
  • Monetary compensation or psychology credits

We are seeking participants who meet the following criteria:

  • Between 18 and 35 years old
  • Not using medication that affects sleep
  • No diagnosed sleep disorders, chronic illness or mental health disorder
  • No regular night-shift work or recent travel across time-zones
  • All physical activity levels


If you are interested in this study, please send an e-mail to:

Researchers: Thanh Dang-Vu, MD, PhD & Melodee Mograss, PhD

Participants Wanted

Do you use a computer at work and
in your leisure activities?


We are researchers at Concordia University studying person-technology interactions at the workplace

If you are employed full-time or part-time for 5 or more years, we want to hear from you!



Call for Participants


Dr. Coffey's CL:ASP lab would like to invite you to participate in a study to assess sleep quality and cognition.

About the study:

  • At the lab: answer questionnaires once at the beginning of the study
  • At home: sleep with an EEG headband for 14 nights and complete a sleep log and cognitive tasks (15-20mins) the next morning
  • $150 at the completion of the study


Do you meet the following criteria?

  1. Aged 65-75
  2. No history of brain injury
  3. No history of a substance use disorder
  4. Normal hearing and eyesight or corrected to normal
  5. Have consistent sleep habits
  6. No diagnosed sleep disorder
  7. Comfortable using a laptop (after instruction)
  8. Not taking medication that alters sleep
  9. Not changed time zones in the past 6 weeks
  10. Not diagnosed with a neurocognitive disorder
  11. Not diagnosed with a mental illness


Interested or want more info?

Participants needed for study examining sleep and memory (age 25–65 years)

Researchers: Thanh Dang-Vu, MD, PhD and Jean-Philippe Gouin, PhD 

Do you consider yourself a good sleeper?

Researchers at Concordia University are conducting a study to better understand the role of brain activity during sleep.

Participation in this study will include:

  • Two overnight sleep recordings in our sleep lab
  • One MRI session at the PERFORM Centre
  • Completion of cognitive tests after sleep

We are seeking adult participants who meet the following criteria:

  1. Between 25 and 65 years old
  2. Not using medication that affects sleep
  3. No diagnosed sleep disorders (e.g., insomnia, sleep apnea)
  4. Absence of chronic illness, neurological disorder, or mental health disorder
  5. No history of brain hemorrhage, brain tumor, or brain surgery
  6. No regular night-shift work or recent travel across several time-zones
  7. No regular alcohol or substance use
  8. No contraindication to MRI

If you are interested in participating or learning more about our study, please contact us by phone: 514-848-2424, ext. 2284 or by email at:


A team of Quebec researchers is interested in your sleep!

Are you a university student? Are you between 16 and 30 years old? Do you find it difficult to balance your class schedule, your work, your physical activity or sport, your personal life and to sleep well through it all? You are the perfect person to take this short anonymous online survey!

Click on the following link to learn more about this study or to answer the survey:


If you have any additional questions, contact researchers Félix-Gabriel Duval and Jean-François Caron at:


Une équipe de chercheurs québécois s’intéresse ton sommeil!

Tu es étudiant ou étudiante inscrit à l’université? Tu as entre 16 et 30 ans? Tu trouves difficile de concilier ton horaire de cours, ton travail, ton activité physique ou ton sport, ta vue personnelle et de bien dormir à travers tout ça? Tu es la personne idéale pour répondre à ce court sondage anonyme en ligne!

Clique sur le lien suivant pour en connaître plus sur cette étude ou pour répondre au sondage:


Si tu as des questions supplémentaires, contacte les chercheurs Félix-Gabriel Duval et Jean-François Caron à



Do you consider yourself a GOOD SLEEPER?

Researchers at Concordia University are conducting a study to better understand the role of brain activity during sleep in the formation of new memories among adults who identify as good sleepers.

Participation in this study will include:

  • Monetary compensation for full study completion
  • Three 12-hour overnight visits to our Concordia University (Loyola campus) sleep lab, in a private bedroom, with non-invasive measures of brain activity during sleep
  • Completion of memory tests before and after sleep on the 2nd and 3rd overnight recording visits

To be considered for this study, we are seeking participants who meet the following criteria:

  1. Between 55 and 85 years old
  2. No sleep medication
  3. No diagnosed sleep disorders, chronic illness or mental health disorder
  4. No regular night-shift work or recent travel across several time zones
  5. No excessive alcohol or substance use (including cannabis)
  6. Must be a fluent/native speaker of French and/or English

Researcher: Thanh Dang-Vu, MD, PhD

If you are interested in participating or learning more about our study, please contact us by email, or consult our website:



Vous considérez-vous BON DORMEUR?

Des chercheurs de l’Université Concordia mènent une étude pour mieux comprendre le rôle de l’activité cérébrale lors du sommeil dans la formation de la mémoire et sur la manière dont cette activité varie au cours de la vie.

La participation à cette étude comprend:

  • Une compensation financière à l’achèvement de l’étude
  • Trois évaluations de votre sommeil pendant 12 heures au laboratoire de sommeil à l’Université Concordia (campus Loyola) dans une chambre privée, à l’aide de méthodes non invasives d’enregistrement de l’activité cérébrale
  • Des tests de mémorisation avant et après le sommeil lors des 2e et 3e visites d'enregistrement de sommeil

Pour l’admissibilité à l’étude, nous recherchons des participants adultes qui correspondent aux critères suivants:

  1. Adultes entre 55 et 85 ans
  2. Aucune médication pour le sommeil
  3. Sans troubles de sommeil diagnostiqués, maladies chroniques ou problèmes de santé mentale
  4. Pas de travail de nuit régulier ou de voyage récent (différence de fuseaux horaires)
  5. Pas d'abus d'alcool ou de substances illicites (inclusivement le cannabis)
  6. Avoir comme langue maternelle le français ou l’anglais

Chercheur: Thanh Dang-Vu, MD, PhD

Si cette étude vous intéresse et que vous aimeriez y participer, ou pour en savoir plus sur notre étude, s.v.p. envoyez-nous un courriel ou consulter notre site web :

Interested in how sound can affect your learning during sleep?

We have a study for you!


Researchers at Concordia University (Loyola Campus) are looking for volunteers for a research project investigating the effects of sleep on learning.

The testing session involves using an electroencephalogram (EEG) to record the electrical activity of the brain while performing a cognitive task and during a nap.

Volunteers must be:

  • Aged between 60 and 75 years old
  • Right-handed
  • In good overall health
  • Have consistent sleep habits
  • Have less than two years of formal keyboard training (e.g. piano)

Volunteers must not:

  • Be pregnant or nursing
  • Take medications or drugs that alter sleep or wakefulness


If you are interested in participating or are unsure if you meet one criterion, please contact us for more details:


Volunteers will be compensated for their time.


Participants needed for study on resistance training using blood flow restriction (age 60+)

Participants aged 60 or older are needed in a research study investigating the effects of blood flow restriction on strength, functionality & oxygen demand

If you are interested in attending an ONLINE, FREE resistance training class led by Daniela Presta, we invite you to participate! Testing takes place at the Concordia University Loyola campus.

Should you wish to participate, you will be asked to come to Concordia three times for 30-minute-long testing: prior, at midpoint, and following the classes.

Participation in two exercises classes a week for 10 weeks is necessary.


Research participation is voluntary, at no cost and supervised!
Access to ZOOM is necessary for attendance.


If you are interested in participating, please contact Daniela Presta at:



Concordia researchers are conducting a study to gain insights into the lived experiences of older adults who face a combination of sensory, motor and cognitive challenges.

Who can participate:


  • Adults aged 60 years and older
  • Self-identify as having challenges in at least two of the following domains: hearing, vision, mobility, cognition
  • Fluent in English


  • At least 1 online interview over zoom lasting 1-2 hours
  • Questionnaires


  • A compensatory indemnity will be provided


To sign up or for more information, please contact Berkley Petersen by email at:

Volunteers Needed for a Weight Loss Study

Help advance research around ketogenic diets and weight loss


  • 18-60 year old, non-smoking volunteers needed
  • Compensation offered.


514-848-2424 x4451


Study Participants Wanted

Are you Interested in 6 Weeks of Online Brain Training at Home?


Concordia researchers are conducting a study about the benefits of online cognitive training on older adults’ cognition and mobility.


Who can participate?

  • Adults aged 60 years and older
  • Fluent in English
  • Must have access to internet through computer, laptop, or tablet
  • Free of neurological, and musculoskeletal conditions that affect mobility or concentration
  • In good general health
  • Other eligibility criteria will apply


What is required?

  • 3 in-person cognitive, sensory and mobility assessments at PERFORM Centre, Loyola Campus
  • 6 weeks of home-based cognitive training completed on your online device 3 days a week (12 minutes/day)



  • In appreciation for your time, a compensatory indemnity will be given



To sign up or for more information about this study, please contact
Berkley Petersen at:

Phone: 514-848-2424 ext. 2247

Study Participants Wanted


The Darlington laboratory in the Department of Health, Kinesiology & Applied Physiology at Concordia University is seeking participants for the study entitled: “HORMONAL REGULATION OF T CELL GENOMICS”.

The goal of the study is to understand how hormones influence the immune cells which play an important role in health. The study consists of one visit of approximately 30 minutes.


You will be asked to give a small amount of blood.

Refreshments will be provided.

Participants should:

  • Be at least 18 years old
  • Be comfortable with blood draws and needles
  • Not be taking any prescriptions medications that affect blood pressure or immune function
  • Have no chronic medical conditions (autoimmune disease, cancer, lung or heart disease)
  • Have no vaccinations (including flu shots) or consume recreational drugs within the past 2 weeks


If you or anyone you know fulfils these requirements please contact:

Participants Wanted

Earn $ or course credit helping scientists understand how our brain learns to play music!

Help out today!


Music icon

Who can participate?

  • Between 18-35 years old
  • No music experience required
  • Normal hearing

What's involved?

  • 1 session that lasts an hour and a half
  • Transmagnetic stimulation will be applied over parts of your head (this involves a magnetic coil over the skull)
  • Listening to some melodies


Contact us today!

Penhune Laboratory for Motor Learning & Neural Plasticity

Looking for Lean Participants for a Research Study


Are you between 18 and 55 years old? Are you in good health, and a non-smoker?

You may be eligible to participate in a study to find out how fat tissue may increase risk of diseases such as diabetes.


For more information
Please contact us by email:


Compensation is provided.


CIUSSS Nord de lil de MontrealPERFORM Centre logo



Nous recherchons des participants ayant une composition corporelle mince


Vous avez entre 18 et 55 ans ? Vous êtes en bonne santé et non-fumeur ?

Vous êtes peut-être éligible pour participer à notre étude sur l’impact de la masse grasse sur le risque de développer des maladies comme le diabète.

Pour plus d’information
Contactez-nous par email à :


Une compensation est prévue.


CIUSSS Nord de lil de MontrealPERFORM Centre logo

Participants needed for an insomnia treatment study


Do you suffer from insomnia?

Concordia University researchers are conducting a study evaluating the impact of a non-pharmacological treatment for insomnia on health.

Individuals suffering from insomnia at least three times per week for at least three months are eligible.


Participation in this study will include:

  • A free individual therapy program comprising eight sessions over three months
  • Three overnight sleep recordings in our sleep lab
  • Two MRI sessions at the PERFORM Centre
  • Completion of cognitive tests after sleep


We are seeking adult participants who meet the following criteria:

  1. Between 25 and 65 years old
  2. Not using medication that affects sleep
  3. No diagnosed sleep disorders (e.g., sleep apnea)
  4. Absence of chronic illness, neurological disorder or mental health disorder
  5. No history of brain hemorrhage, brain tumour or brain surgery
  6. No regular night-shift work or recent travel across several time zones
  7. No regular alcohol or substance use
  8. No contraindication to MRI

Researchers: Thanh Dang-Vu, MD, PhD and Jean-Philippe Gouin, PhD

If you are interested in this study, please call us: 514-848-2424, ext. 2284, or email:



Participants recherchés pour une étude de traitement de l’insomnie


Est-ce que vous souffrez d’insomnie ?

Les chercheurs de l’Université Concordia mènent une étude qui évalue l’impact d’un traitement non pharmacologique de l’insomnie sur la santé.

Les individus souffrant d’insomnie au moins 3 fois par semaine depuis plus de 3 mois sont éligibles.


La participation à cette étude comprend:

  • Une thérapie individuelle gratuite pour 8 sessions sur 3 mois
  • Passer 3 nuits de sommeil en laboratoire
  • Deux évaluations IRM au centre PERFORM
  • La réalisation de tests cognitifs après le sommeil


Vous pouvez être admissible à l’étude si vous êtes un:

  1. Adulte âgé de 25 à 65 ans
  2. Ne prenant pas de médicaments qui affectent le sommeil
  3. Sans troubles du sommeil diagnostiqués (par exemple : apnée du sommeil)
  4. N’ayant aucune maladie chronique, aucun trouble neurologique ou de l’humeur
  5. Sans antécédents d’hémorragie ou de tumeurs cérébrales, ou toutes autres conditions qui ont nécessité une chirurgie du cerveau
  6. Ne travaillant pas de nuit et n’ayant pas voyagé récemment à travers plusieurs fuseaux horaires
  7. Ne consommant pas d’alcool ou de drogue de manière régulière
  8. N’ayant pas de contre-indication à passer une IRM


Si cette étude vous intéresse, appelez-nous :
(514) 848-2424, poste. 2284 ou envoyez un courriel à


Chercheur: Thanh Dang-Vu, MD, PhD et Jean-Philippe Gouin, PhD


We are looking for:

  1. We are looking for adults (18 and older), NATIVE ENGLISH speakers, to participate in a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study
  2. You will need to visit the scanning centre for a single 1 hour session.
  3. You will be familiarized with common English words, which you will have to listen to, read, and repeat while being scanned.
  4. The scanning will last, roughly, 30 minutes.
  5. Brain Language Network


    PERFORM Centre,
    Concordia University
    7200 Sherbrooke St. W.
    Montreal, QC H4B 1R6


    Sayantan Mandal
    Concordia Center for Cognitive Science & Linguistics
    Concordia University, SGW Campus
    1250 Guy St,
    Montreal, QC
    H3H 2T4

We are currently looking for female participants
(18 - 70 years old)


Two types of participants are needed:

  1. Women without cancer or lymphedema
  2. Women with lower-limb lymphedema


Goal of the research: This project aims to evaluate balance and muscle activation while standing still in women with lower-limb lymphedema. This project also aims to evaluate acivity levels and quality of life by questionnaires.

Compensation: A monetary compensation of $20 will be given to participate in this study.

Location: McGill Nutrition and Performance Laboratory Lymphedema Clinic,
5252 boul. de Maisonneuve West, suite 105B.

Duration: One recording session for a period of 2 hours.


If interested, please contact Sogol Ezabadi at or (514) 994-6968.


Nous sommes à la recherche de femmes âgées
entre 18 et 70 ans


Deux types de participants sont recherchés:

  1. femmes sans cancer ni lymphoedème
  2. femmes atteintes d’un lymphoedème du membre inférieur


Nous sommes à la recherche de femmes âgées entre 18 et 70 ans

But de projet de recherche: Ce projet vise à évaluer l'équilibre et l'activation musculaire en position debout chez les femmes atteintes de lymphoedème des membres inférieurs. Ce projet vise également à évaluer les niveaux d'activité et la qualité de vie par des questionnaires.

Compensation: Une compensation financière d’un montant de $20 vous sera remise pour votre participation.

Endroit: Clinique du lymphoedème du laboratoire de performance et nutrition de McGill, 5252 boul. de Maisonneuve Ouest, suite 105B.

Durée: Une sessions de 2 heures.


Pour plus de renseignements, veuillez contacter Sogol Ezabadi au ou (514) 994-6968.

Participants needed for a study on wearable sensors

We are studying how different the measurements collected by wearable sensors are from vendor to vendor and how these differences affect the algorithms created to understand behaviors from the signals they collect (for example, walking and running recognition to count your daily steps). The results from this study will allow us to create algorithms that are less sensitive to small variabilities and noises.

We are currently recruiting participants for a data collection study involving doing a predefined set of activities in the PERFORM Centre carrying 12 different sensors. It will take around 1 hour.

More information can be found in:

Please email the researcher if you are interested in participating in this study.


The lifespan decision-making lab is looking for individuals to participate in a study at Concordia University (Loyola Campus) located at 7141 Sherbrooke West.

We are looking for participants who:

  • Are 60 years or older
  • Can read and speak English
  • Are in good physical and mental health

The study will take 2-3 hours. During this time, you will complete cognitive tasks on a computer, while fit with an EEG cap. All participants will be paid for their time. All data will remain confidential.
514-848-2424 ext. 5955


Le laboratoire sur la prise de décision cherche des participants pour une étude à l'Université Concordia (campus Loyola) situé au 7141 Sherbrooke Ouest.

Nous cherchons des participants qui:

  • Ont 60 ans ou plus
  • Peuvent parler et lire l'Anglais
  • Sont en bonne sante physique et mentale

L'étude prendra environs 2-3 heures. Durant ce temps, vous completerez des tâches cognitives a l'ordinateur tout en portant un EEG. Tous Jes participants seront payés pour Jeur participation. Toutes Jes données resterons confidentielles.
514-848-2424 ext. 5955

Participants needed for a study on computer users with neck or shoulder pain (age 30-50 years old)

We are currently looking for male and female regular computer users with neck or shoulder pain (age: 30-50 years old) to participate in our study.

Goal of the research: To determine which type of short pause (active or passive) is more efficient in changing muscle activity during a computer task.

Participation in this study involves:

A monetary compensation will be given to participate in this study.

Duration: One recording session for a period of 3 hours.

Location: PERFORM Centre, 7141 SherbrookeSt. West, Montréal.


If interested, please contact Alireza Derakhshani at or (514) 268-6989.

Participants recherchés: Étude des utilisateurs d'ordinateurs souffrant de douleurs au cou ou à l'épaule

Nous sommes à la recherche de participants hommes et femmes qui utilisent l’ordinateur sur une base régulière et souffrant de douleurs au cou ou aux épaules (âge : 30-50 ans) pour participer à notre étude.

But du projet de recherche : Le but de ce projet est de déterminer quel type de pause de courte durée (active ou passive) est plus efficace pour modifier l'activation musculaire pendant une tâche à l’ordinateur.

La participation à cette étude comprend:

Une compensation financière vous sera remise pour votre participation.

Durée : Une session d'enregistrement d’une durée de 3 heures.

Lieu : Centre PERFORM, 7141, rue Sherbrooke Ouest, Montréal.


Si vous êtes intéressé, veuillez contacter Alireza Derakhshani à

Concerned about your health?

Find out how nutrition affects your body and brain health!

If you are 30–75 years of age and not on hormone replacement therapy, participate in a research study about nutrition-related health issues.

$200 Compensation

Research participants wanted for a study at the Concordia University PERFORM Centre

Volunteers are needed to participate in a study involving imaging brain activity using brain imaging techniques such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Electroencephalography and functional Near-InfraRed Spectroscopy.

Healthy volunteers must be between 18 to 45 years old and have no medical, traumatic or psychiatric conditions, and no metal in the body.

Please contact the investigator to verify that you qualify to participate in the study. You will be compensated for your time and inconveniences.

For more information, send an email with “EEG-NIRS WORKLOAD STUDY” in the subject field to: or call 514-848-2424, ext. 3393.

Concordia Principal Investigator: Christophe Grova

Media Health logo

In April 2020, we launched a brief survey (<5 min) to find out what media technologies would have been helpful for coping with COVID-19 stress. We invite you to please take this survey (again) to help us learn what has changed in two years.

Take the survey:

For more information about our research, please visit or email:

Participants needed for study examining sleep and memory (age 18–30 years)

Do you consider yourself a good sleeper?

Researchers at Concordia University are conducting a study to better understand the role of brain activity during sleep in the formation of new memories among adults who identify as good sleepers.

Participation in this study will include:

  • Monetary compensation for full study completion
  • Three 12-hour overnight visits to our Concordia University (Loyola campus) sleep lab, in a private bedroom, with non-invasive measures of brain activity during sleep
  • Completion of memory tests before and after sleep on the 2nd and 3rd overnight recording visits

To be considered for this study, we are seeking participants who meet the following criteria:

  1. Between 18 and 30 years old
  2. No sleep medication
  3. No diagnosed sleep disorders, chronic illness or mental health disorder
  4. No regular night-shift work or recent travel across several time zones
  5. No excessive alcohol or substance use (including cannabis)
  6. Must be a fluent/native speaker of French and/or English

Researcher: Thanh Dang-Vu, MD, PhD 

If you are interested in participating or learning more about our study, please contact us by email, or consult our website:

Participants needed for a study of sleep

Do you consider yourself a good sleeper?

Researchers at Concordia University are conducting a study to better understand the role of brain activity during sleep.

Participation in this study will include:

  • Compensation of $100 for full study completion
  • Two overnight sleep recordings in our sleep lab
  • Completion of cognitive tests after sleep

We are seeking adult participants who meet the following criteria:

  1. Between 35 and 50 years old
  2. Not using medication that affects your sleep
  3. No diagnosed sleep disorders (e.g., insomnia, sleep apnea)
  4. Absence of chronic illness, neurological disorder or mental health disorder
  5. No history of brain hemorrhage, brain tumour or brain surgery
  6. No regular night-shift work or recent travel across several time zones
  7. No regular alcohol or substance use

Researchers: Thanh Dang-Vu, MD, PhD and Jean-Philippe Gouin, PhD

If you are interested in participating or learning more about our study, please contact us by phone at 514-848-2424, ext. 2284, or by email at

Participate in a research study

We invite adults over the age of 18 to join our research team to evaluate a digital health platform (app) for studying the impact of creativity on chronic pain.

Participation is open to caregivers, patients, clinicians and researchers.

For more information, please visit:

Please contact the Principle Investigator, Dr Najmeh Khalili-Mahani, for further information:

Get active and eat healthy while getting personalized info on your:

  • health
  • disease risk
  • energy (calorie) use

If you are:

  • 25 years old or more and a non-smoker
  • want to participate in a research study about weight loss and health issues!

Renumeration offered.

For more information, please call: 514-848-2424, ext. 4451, or email:

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