The ENHJEU-Quebec Survey, Portrait of gambling in Quebec: Prevalence, incidence, and trajectories over four years investigates the gambling habits and gambling-related problems of Quebecers. The first phase of the survey was completed in 2009, during which information was collected from 11,888 adults from all regions of Quebec.
The second phase of the project was conducted in 2011 among 12,008 adults in the province to identify emerging gambling trends and problems. In addition, a portion of 2009 participants were followed-up over a period of three years to better assess various gambling trajectories (2009, 2010, 2011). The results of this study will support the Ministry of Health and Social Services and the regional health agencies when planning prevention programs and will help ensure that services in all regions of Quebec adequately address the needs of gamblers seeking help.
Kairouz, S., Monson, E., & Robillard, C. (2017) Gender comparative analysis of gambling patterns in Canada. In H. Browden-Jones, & F. Prever (eds.). Gambling disorders in women: An international female perspective on treatment and research. Routledge.
Luce C., Nadeau L., Kairouz S. (2016) Pathways and transitions of gamblers over two years. International Gambling Studies. Advance online publication. DOI: 10.1080/14459795.2016.1209780
Kairouz S., Paradis C., Nadeau L., Tovar M.-L., Pousset M. (2016) A cross-cultural comparison of population gambling patterns and regulatory frameworks: France and Québec. Journal of Public Health Policy. Advance online publication. DOI: 10.1057/jphp.2016.20
Kairouz S., Paradis C., Nadeau L., Hamel D., Robillard C. (2015). Patterns and trends in gambling participation in the Quebec population between 2009 and 2012. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 106(3), e115-120. doi: 10.17269/cjph.106.4854
Ngui, A.N., Kairouz, S., Nadeau, L., Fleury, M.-J. (2015). Prévalence et utilisation des services dans le domaine de la consommation des substances psychoactives et du jeu de hasard et d'argent. Le Point en administration de la santé et des services sociaux. 10(4).
Kairouz, S., Paradis, C., & Nadeau, L. (2012). Are Online Gamblers More At Risk Than Offline Gamblers?. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 15(3), 175-180.
The public databases from the ENHJEU-QUÉBEC Study 2009-2012 are now available through the Gambling Research Exchange Ontario Dataverse website.
Research Team
Name | Affiliation |
Sylvia Kairouz, PhD | Research Chair on Gambling, Director of the Lifestyle and Addiction Research Lab, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Concordia Unviersity |
Louise Nadeau, PhD | Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Montreal |
Catherine Paradis, PhD | Research Professional, Lifestyle and Addiction Research Lab, Concordia University |
Chantal Robillard, PhD | Associate Researcher, Research Chair on Gambling, Affiliate Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Concordia University |
Name | Affiliation |
Elyse Picard, MA | Statistician, Lifestyle and Addiction Research Lab, Concordia University |
Mike Benigeri, PhD | University of Montreal |
Lina Mihaylova, MA | Lifestyle and Addiction Research Lab, Concordia University |
Sophie Dauphinais, MA | University of Montreal |
Name | Affiliation |
Magali Dufour, PhD | Associate Professor, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Sherbrooke |