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Online gambling tracking systems

With almost 90% of households connected to the internet and more than half the population using smartphones, more than ever before, it is now possible for millions of Quebecers to participate in online gambling activities. Since online gamblers are more at risk of developing problematic behaviour than traditional players, online gambling involves new public health challenges. Classic prevention strategies have become obsolete in an online gambling universe. There is an urgent need to develop online prevention tools that can better support gamblers at risk of developing problematic behaviours.

Through the combined analyses of big data from Loto-Québec’s website and data from an online survey administered to Loto-Québec’s website users, this project will identify behavioural patterns associated with problematic online gambling. The overall goal of the project is to create tools that can help identify risky practices in real time, thereby enabling operators to direct intervention services to players when they need them.

Information for participants

The survey is completely confidential. No names or personally identifying details will be attached to any of the data. All research materials will be stored in a secure server at Concordia University, and all data will be processed on a secure, password-protected computer. In any presentation or publication resulting from this research, the data will be presented in summary and will not reveal any identifying information.

For additional questions, please contact the research team:

Spencer Murch, PhD
Tel: (514) 848- 2424 ext. 5398

For any concerns or ethics-related questions resulting from your participation in this project, please contact Concordia Office of Research Ethics:

Research Ethics, Concordia University
Tel : (514) 848.2424 ext. 7481

Research Team

Name Affiliation
Spencer Murch, PhD  Postdoctorate, Research Chair on Gambling Studies
Sylvia Kairouz, PhD Chairholder, Research Chair on Gambling Studies, Associate professor, Departement of sociology and anthropology, Concordia University
Martin French, PhD Associate professor, Departement of sociology and anthropology, Concordia University
Fonds de recherche Société et culture

Funding : 

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