Rebecca Wyse is a behavioural researcher who specialises in developing and evaluating digital behavioural interventions to support the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases. She is an Associate Professor in the School of Medicine and Public Health at the University of Newcastle (NSW, Australia). She is currently a research fellow with the Cancer Institute NSW and she also holds an honorary fellowship with the Heart Foundation of Australia. She has conducted prevention research across a range of risk factors for cancer, cardiovascular disease, asthma and obesity, and has conducted effectiveness and implementation trials across a range of community and clinical settings. Her recent research focuses on helping cancer patients better prepare for and recover from their surgery.
The RecoverEsupport Program: digital intervention to implement ERAS behaviours and support patients to prepare for and recover from their cancer surgery
Adhering to ‘Enhanced Recovery From Surgery’ (ERAS) guidelines can reduce post-surgical complications and length of stay in hospital. Some of the ERAS guidelines relate specifically to patient-led behaviours, such as early mobilisation, and rapid resumption of feeding and fluids, and doing deep breathing and physiotherapy exercises.
Empowering and supporting patients to undertake these behaviours could results in benefits for patients and the hospital system.
This presentation will describe a research program which investigates the feasibility, acceptability, effectiveness and cost-effectiveness and scalability of a behavioural intervention to help patients adhere to recovery guidelines. It will describe the development of the ‘RecoverEsupport’ digital health intervention that is currently being evaluated across two RCTs with breast and colorectal cancer patients in three Australian hospitals. Outcomes include Length of Stay, Quality of Life, Quality of Recovery (QoR15), ED admission, guidelines adherence, and health care costs.
If effective, the RecoverEsupport intervention could be rapidly scaled up and/or adapted for other surgical patient groups.
Le respect des directives ERAS (Enhanced Recovery From Surgery) peut réduire les complications post-chirurgicales et la durée du séjour à l'hôpital. Certaines de ces directives concernent spécifiquement les comportements du patient, tels que la mobilisation précoce, la reprise rapide de l'alimentation et des liquides, la respiration profonde et les exercices de physiothérapie.
Supporter les patients dans l’adoption de ces comportements pourrait être bénéfique pour les patients et le système hospitalier.
Cette présentation détaillera un programme de recherche qui étudie la faisabilité, l'acceptabilité, l'efficacité, le rapport coût-efficacité et l'extensibilité d'une intervention comportementale visant à aider les patients à respecter les directives pour la récupération. Elle décrira le développement de l'intervention de santé numérique "RecoverEsupport" qui est actuellement évaluée dans le cadre de deux essais cliniques randomisés avec des patients atteints de cancer du sein et de cancer colorectal dans trois hôpitaux australiens. Les résultats comprennent la durée du séjour, la qualité de vie, la qualité du rétablissement (QoR15), l'admission aux urgences, le respect des directives et les coûts des soins de santé.
Si elle s'avère efficace, l'intervention RecoverEsupport pourrait être rapidement étendue et/ou adaptée à d'autres groupes de patients chirurgicaux.
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