SHIFT is proud to have supported over fifty teams working towards social transformation. Discover the strategies, tactics, and approaches that our partners are using in their efforts to build a more just, inclusive, and broadly prosperous Montreal.

Imagining alternative ways of working and living together
The project of social transformation requires thinking outside of existing systems and opening new possibilities of living together. These groups and organizations address the failings of institutions by imagining better and more just alternatives, in everything from land-based practices to fostering youth ownership.
Partners include: CultivAction, Brique par Brique, DESTA Black Youth Network
Fostering grassroots resistance to oppressive institutional structures
From gentrification and colonialism to the climate emergency, these groups & organizations are mobilizing residents, building coalitions, and advocating against those structures and policies that create and reinforce injustice.
Partners include: Climate Justice Montreal, Comité d'action Parc-Extension, Indigenous Support Worker's Project

Building spaces for community solidarity and collective healing
These teams are working towards improved community well-being through carving out spaces for marginalized groups to gather and feel united in taking care of one another. By building stronger networks of solidarity as well as individual capacity, these groups aim to build self-determination on the path to healing.
Partners include: Black Healing Centre, Buckskin Babes, Amal Center for Women
Working with and within institutions to create change
These groups and organizations are taking on institutions directly in an effort to reshape them. They work toward social transformation by partnering with institutions, creating resources to help community members navigate opaque systems, and embedding themselves inside failing or inadequate services.
Partners include: enuf Canada, Welcome Haven, Concordia Arts in Health Centre

Transformative Responses to COVID-19
With the COVID-19 pandemic came increased isolation and potential risk for Montrealers already experiencing marginalization and vulnerability. As part of SHIFT’s Transformative Responses Fund, these groups and organizations addressed that isolation head-on through neighbourhood solidarity and mutual aid networks.
Interested in learning more about the support we offer our funded teams? Set up a virtual meeting using our online booking tool or stay in touch by signing up for our newsletter and following us on Facebook.