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User managed desktops or laptops

As the name implies, user managed personal computers, e.g., desktops and laptops, are maintained by the owner of the computer.  You will be given the "root" username and password for the system when you receive it. Any additional software installation or configuration must be done by the owner of the computer, AITS provides limited support.

  • Usually new personal computers are delivered as is, with the OS originally purchased. If the computer needs to be rebuilt, the latest AITS User Managed Windows images is installed.
  • The owner is responsible for creating new local accounts as needed.
  • The owner is responsible for updating the anti-virus software.
  • The owner is responsible for patching the operating system.
  • The owner is responsible to ensure only legally obtained software is installed.

To request that software be installed on your User managed machine, please fill out the Software Installation Request Form. Your encs credentials are required to access the form. (Note: Available software depends on chosen Operation System version).

Please visit ENCS Data Storage for details about and how to access your ENCS Data Storage space.

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