
Volunteer opportunities are provided for students and members of the Montreal community wishing to gain experience working with adults with developmental disabilities, and to give their time and skills to this special program. This enriching experience results in mutual benefits for volunteers and participants, who learn from each other through the process of integration and social inclusion in university life.
Beginning September 2017, we will need volunteers who can commit to a consistent schedule to work with our participants. Volunteers will be needed Mondays, and/or Wednesdays, and/or Fridays during one or more of the following times: 9am-10:10am; 11:20am-1:10pm; 2:20pm-3:30pm.
We are also looking for volunteers for our Fels Arts and Friendship Groups. These volunteers must be available on Sundays from 1pm-4pm, and must make a firm committment for the year (from October to April).
If you are unable to commit to regular volunteering, we welcome occasional help with special events or fundraising.
If you are interested in applying to volunteer at the Centre for the Arts in Human Development, please contact Cindy Pratt at 514-848-2424 ext. 8616 or cindy.pratt@concordia.ca. Please note that a police check will conducted for you.