Publications & presentations
Research publications
Snow, S., & D’Amico, M. (2014) .The application of ethnodrama to adolescent girls under youth protection. (to be submitted to The Arts in Psychotherapy after editorial approval of Batshaw Youth and Family Centres). Concordia University, The Centre for the Arts in Human Development.
Johnson, D.R., Pendzik, S., & Snow, S. (Eds.) (in press). Assessment in drama therapy. Springfield, IL: C.C. Thomas, Publishers.
Snow, S. & D’Amico, M. (Eds.) (2009). Assessment in the creative arts therapies: Designing and adapting assessment tools for adults with developmental disabilities. Springfield, IL: C.C. Thomas.
Snow, S. & D’Amico, M. (2011). Casting the healing role: Assessment in therapeutic theatre. In D.R. Johnson, S. Pendzik & S. Snow (Eds.). Assessment in Drama Therapy. Springfield, Illinois: C.C. Thomas.
D’Amico, M., Miodrag, N. & Dinolfo, F. (2009). Assessing the effect of creative arts therapies on the quality of life of individuals with developmental disabilities. In S. Snow & M. D’Amico (Eds.), Assessment in the creative arts therapies: Designing and adapting assessment tools for adults with developmental disabilities (pp. 257-294). Springfield, Illinois: C.C. Thomas.
Snow, S., Maeng-Cleveland, J., & Steinfort, T. (2009)The drama therapy role-play interview. In S. Snow & M. D’Amico (Eds.). Assessment in the creative arts therapies: Designing and adapting assessment tools for adults with developmental disabilities (pp. 99-162). Springfield, IL: C.C. Thomas.
Snow, S. H. (2009) The Development of a Music Therapy Assessment Tool. In S. Snow & M. D’Amico (Eds.). Assessment in the creative arts therapies: Designing and adapting assessment tools for adults with developmental disabilities (pp. 47-98). Springfield, IL: C.C. Thomas.
Snow, S. (2009). Revised Chapter: Ritual/Theatre/Therapy. In R. Emunah & D.R. Johnson (Eds.) Current approaches in drama therapy (2nd ed.) (pp. 117-144). Springfield, Illinois: C.C. Thomas.
D’Amico, M., Tanguay, D., et Snow, S. (2006). Qualité de vie et l’impact des thérapies par les arts: perspective de trois ans. Dans : H. Gascon, J.-R. Poulin, J.-J. Detraux, D. Boisvert, M.-C. Haelewyck (Dir.), Déficience intellectuelle: savoirs et perspectives d’action. Tome 2: Formation, interventions, adaptation et soutien social (pp. 173-184). Québec: Presses Inter Universitaires.
Bolster, G., Sack, J., Tanguay, D., D’Amico, M. et Snow, S. (2006). Le mouvement comme indice du fonctionnement global: L’utilisation du Functional Assessment of Mouvement (FAM) Scale. Dans : H. Gascon, J.-R. Poulin, J.-J. Detraux, D. Boisvert, M.-C. Haelewyck (Dir.), Déficience intellectuelle: savoirs et perspectives d’action. Tome 2: Formation, interventions, adaptation et soutien social (pp. 119-126). Québec: Presses Inter Universitaires.
Lister, S., Rosales, A., Tanguay, D., D’Amico, M. et Snow, S. (2006). Révision du Kinetic-House-Tree-Person Drawing Test en vue d’une utilization avec des adultes ayant une déficience intellectuelle. Dans : H. Gascon, J.-R. Poulin, J.-J. Detraux, D. Boisvert, M.-C. Haelewyck (Dir.), Déficience intellectuelle: savoirs et perspectives d’action. Tome 2: Formation, interventions, adaptation et soutien social (pp. 109-118). Québec: Presses Inter Universitaires.
Snow, S., D’Amico, M. et Snow, S. (2006). Elaboration d’un instrument d’évaluation en musicothérapie adapté aux personnes ayant une déficience intellectuelle. Dans: H. Gascon, J.-R. Poulin, J.-J. Detraux, D. Boisvert, M.-C. Haelewyck (Dir.), Déficience intellectuelle: savoirs et perspectives d’action. Tome 2: Formation, interventions, adaptation et soutien social (pp. 127-142). Québec: Presses Inter Universitaires.
Snow, S., Tanguay, D. et D’Amico, M. (2006). Elaboration d’un instrument de mesure basé sur le jeu de role en vue d’évaluer des personnes ayant des incapacité intellectuelle. Dans: H. Gascon, J.-R. Poulin, J.-J. Detraux, D. Boisvert, M.-C. Haelewyck (Dir.), Déficience intellectuelle: savoirs et perspectives d’action. Tome 2: Formation, interventions, adaptation et soutien social (pp. 161-172). Québec: Presses Inter Universitaires.
Tanguay, D., D’Amico, M., Huot, S. et Snow, S. (2006). Utilisation en déficience intellectuelle du «Test du monde. Dans: H. Gascon, J.-R. Poulin, J.-J. Detraux, D. Boisvert, M.-C. Haelewyck (Dir.), Déficience intellectuelle: savoirs et perspectives d’action. Tome 2: Formation, interventions, adaptation et soutien social (pp. 143-160). Québec: Presses Inter Universitaires.
Snow, S. (2006). L’Epreuve du jeu de role en drama-therapie. Acte du 9e Congres International de l’Association International de Recherche Scientifique en Faveur des Personnes Handicappes Mentales. University of Quebec Press.
Anthony, E. (2004). Third person song: The poetics of response. In B. L. Moon & R. Schoenholtz, Word pictures: The poetry and art of art therapists (pp. 70-79). Springfield, IL: C. C. Thomas.
Snow, S. (2000). Ritual/Theatre/Therapy: The healing power of myth, ritual, symbol and role in the performative frame of drama therapy. In P. Lewis & D.R. Johnson (Eds.), Current approaches in drama therapy (pp. 218-240). Springfield, Illinois: C.C Thomas.
Hickling, F. W, Guzder, J, Robertson-Hickling, H, Snow, S., & Kirmayer, L. (2010). Psychic centrality: Reflections on the process of two psychohistoriographic cultural therapy groups in Montreal. Transcultural Psychiatry, 47(1), 136-158.
Snow, Shelley & D’Amico, M. (2010). The drum circle project: A qualitative study with at-risk youth in a school setting. Canadian Journal of Music Therapy, 16(1), 12-39.
Lister, S., Tanguay, D., Snow, S., & D’Amico. (2009). Development of a creative arts therapies center for people with developmental disabilities. Journal of the American Art Therapy Association. 26(1), 34-37.
Snow, S.H., Snow, S., & D’Amico, M. (2008). Interdisciplinary research through community music therapy and performance ethnography. Canadian Journal of Music Therapy, 14(1), 30-46.
Tanguay, D., D’Amico, M., Dolce, S. & Snow, S. (2004). L’Utilisation du jeu de sable avec une cliente souffrant de déficience intellectuelle. Revue Francophone de la Déficience Intellectuelle, 15(1), 23-40.
S, Snow, D’Amico, M. & Tanguay, D. (2003). Therapeutic theatre and well-being. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 30, (2), 73-82.
D’Amico, M., Barrafato, A., Peterson, L., Snow, S. & Tanguay, D. (2001). Using theatre to examine children’s attitudes toward individuals with disabilities. Developmental Disability Bulletin, 23-28.
D’Amico, M., Barrafato, A. & Varga, S. (1998). The Centre for the Arts in Human Development: A report of progress 1996-1998. Montréal, Québec: Concordia University.
Snow, S. (2014). Empowering adults with developmental disabilities; A creative arts therapies approach. DVD, with accompanying study texts. Distributed by
EyeSteelFilm (Producer) (in production). The frog princes (working title).
Snow, S. & Herbison, P. (2010). In their own voices [DVD]. Available from the Centre for the Arts in Human Development.
Pitre, S. (Editor). (2005). Building bridges [DVD]. Available from the Centre for the Arts in Human Development.
Herbison, P. (Producer). (1997). The Alice project: Creative arts therapies in action [DVD]. Available from
Ying Gee Wong, G. & Symansky, A. (Producers) & Duckworth, M. (Director). (2006). Acting blind. Canada: National Film Board of Canada.
National and international research presentations
Snow, S. (2015, June). The lived experience of caregivers of the mentally ill: A collaboration of The Centre for the Arts in Human Development with AMI-Quebec Action on Mental Illness. Performance and post-performance forum of ethnodrama, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Marchica, L. & D’Amico, M. (2014, October). Examining effective social skills interventions for youths with autism spectrum disorder and social skills deficits: The UCLA PEERS program. Poster presentation at the Geneva Center for Autism International Symposium, Toronto, Canada.
Sack, J. (2014, July). The SIR approach to using LSVT BIG with youth and adults with developmental disabilities. Presentation at L'arche (Pierrefonds), Oise France.
Young, L. (2014, July). Singing to promote health/wellbeing for adults with high functioning autism/Asperger’s syndrome. Paper presented at the World Congress of Music Therapy, Krems, Austria.
D’Amico, M. & *Lalonde, C. (2014, June). Teaching social skills to children with Autism Spectrum Disorders using Creative Arts therapies. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Individuals with Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities (AAIDD), Orlando, FL, USA.
Young, L. (2014, June). Advancing interdisciplinary research in singing (AIRS): Singing to promote health/wellbeing for adults with high functioning autism/Asperger’s syndrome. Paper presented at the International Association for Music & Medicine Conference, Toronto, Ontario.
Young, L. (2014, June). Singing to promote health/wellbeing for adults with high functioning autism/Asperger’s syndrome. Poster presented at the 40th Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Music Therapy, Toronto, Ontario.
D’Amico, M. (2014, Mai). Évaluer l’efficacité de deux modalités de thérapies par les arts pour favoriser l’acquisition de compétences sociales chez des enfants ayant un trouble du spectre autistique. Communications orales, Association francophone pour le savoir (ACAFAS), Montréal, Québec, Canada.
Sack, J. (2014 April). Speech initiative research: Adapting a neurological approach for adults with developmental disabilities. Presented at 82e Congrès de l'Acfas, Montreal, Quebec.
Snow, S. (2014, April). The power of ethnodrama as a tool for phenomenological research. Presentation for Research Class Panel at Concordia Unversity, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Snow, S. (2014, March). The healing function of drama: Past, present, future. Presentation at the C.G. Jung Society of Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Snow, S. (2014, February), The utilization of ethnodrama to explore the lived experience of adults with developmental disabilities. Presentation at ISIS, Expressive Art Therapies Training Institute, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.DíAmico, M. & Snow, S. (2013, May). The making of a documentary of the meaning of culture in the lives of adults with developmental disabilities. Symposium presented at the annual conference of YAI Network, New York, NY.
Young, L. (2013, November). The use of singing to promote health and well being for adults with high functioning autism or Asperger’s syndrome. Accepted to present paper at the American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference, Jacksonville, FL.
Young, L. (2013, November). The use of singing to promote health and well being for adults with high functioning autism or Asperger’s syndrome. Paper presented at the Conference of the American Music Therapy Association (AMTA), Jacksonville, Florida.
D’Amico, M. & Vosberg, L. (2013, October). Evaluating Art and Drama Therapy in teaching social skills to children with ASD. Workshop presented to the West Montreal Readaptation Centre, Children’s Services. Montreal, QC.
Sack, J. (2013, September). Profiles panel of dance/movement therapists. Accepted to present at the American Dance Therapy Association Annual Conference, New York, NY.
Sack, J. (2013, September). The drama of therapy and therapy of the drama: Science informs the art: Speech initiative research project (SIR):Developing speech and communication skills in adults with developmental disabilities in the context of the creative arts therapies. North American Drama Therapy Association (NADT), Montreal, Quebec.
D’Amico, M., Lalonde, C. & Snow, S. (2013, September). Using Drama Therapy to teach social skills to children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Workshop presented at the 34th Annual Conference of the North American Drama Therapy Association (NADT), Montréal, Québec, Canada.
Young, L. (2013, August). The use of singing to promote health and well being for adults with high functioning autism or Asperger’s syndrome. Poster presented at the 5th Annual Advancing Interdisciplinary Research in Singing (AIRS) Annual Conference and General Meeting, Toronto, Ontario.
Sack, J. (2013, July). The SIR approach to using LSVT BIG with youth and adults with developmental disabilities. Presentation at L'arche (Trosly Breuil), Oise France.
Young, L. (2013, May). The use of singing to promote health and well being for adults with high functioning autism or Asperger’s syndrome. Paper presented at the 39th Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Music Therapy, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
DíAmico, M. & Snow, S. (2013, May). Evaluating the efficacy of art and drama therapy in teaching social skills to children with Asperger's and Autism. Paper presented at the annual conference of YAI Network, New York, NY.
Snow, S. (2013, April). Pilot project with Batshaw Youth and Family Services, co-sponsored by The Centre for the Arts in Human Development, Concordia University, Montreal; co-investigators, Dr. Miranda D’Amico and Prof. Irene Gericke. Research Roundtable on the Arts Therapies at Expressive Arts Therapies Conference, Alexandria VA.
Sack, J. (2013, March). Presentation of current work as a dance therapist at CAHD and SIR research in the context of the creative arts therapies. Presentation at Conférencière Université du Québec, Montreal, Quebec.]
Snow, S., Butler, J., Gendron-Langevin, M., Mongerson, E., D’Amico, M., & Driver, S. (2012, November). Integrating ethnodrama and drama therapy: Trauma and other issues therapeutically performed. Presentation at the 33rd Annual Conference of the North American Drama Therapy Association (formerly the National Association for Drama Therapy), New Haven, Connecticut.
Snow, S. (2012, November). A Dynamic introduction to ethnodramatherapy. One of four guest speakers for “New Frontiers: Advanced Practices”, Special Monday Seminar at the 33rd Annual Conference of the North American Drama Therapy Association, New Haven, Connecticut
Sack, J. (2012, October). LSVT BIG/LOUD with Parkinson’s and developmental disabilities. Poster presentation at the 47th Annual Conference of the American Dance Therapy Association, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Sack, J. (2012, October). Educators meeting. Panel discussion at the 47th Annual Conference of the American Dance Therapy Association, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Young, L. & Malone, T. (2012, August). Singing and health: A research initiative at the Centre for Arts in Human Development (CAHD) at Concordia University. Poster session presented at Advancing Interdisciplinary Research in Singing (AIRS) Annual Conference and General Meeting, Charlottetown, PEI.
D’Amico, M., Baktis, P. & Vosberg, L. (2012, May). The disability awareness and empathy building toolkit: Creating greater sensitivity to the lives of individuals with ID/DD. Paper accepted for presentation at the annual conference of YAI Network, New York, NY.
D’Amico, M., Snow, S. & Vosberg, L. (2012, May). The Frog and the Princess: A Musical. A documentary accepted for presentation at annual conference of YAI Network, New York, NY.
S. Snow, J. Nobel, M. Rosal, S. Goodhill, B. Hunter. (2012, May). The State of the Art and Science in Creative Arts Therapies – with a Focus on the Treatment of Trauma. Presentation at the International Research Congress on Integrative Medicine & Health (Portland, Oregon).
Snow, S., Johnson, D.R., & Pendzik, S. (November 2011). Look Before you Leap into the Fire: Assessment in Drama Therapy. Presentation at for the 32nd Annual Conference of the National Association for Drama Therapy, San Francisco.
Snow, S.E. & Snow, S.H. (2011, July). Introduction to drama and music therapy; Introduction to assessment through drama therapy; Exploring the archetypal world of fairy tales through drama therapy and music therapy. Workshop presentations for the Department of Psychiatry, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt.
Snow, S.E. & Snow, S.H. (2011, July). Diversity training through drama therapy, ethnodrama and community music therapy. Workshop Presentation for the Drama Therapy Program at Haifa University, Haifa, Israel.
Snow, S.E. & Snow, S.H. (2011, July). Exploring the archetypal world of fairy tales through drama therapy and music therapy. Workshop presentation for the Israeli Arts Therapies Association, Tel Aviv, Israel.
Snow. S. E. & Snow, S.H. (2011, July). Diversity training through drama therapy, ethnodrama and community music therapy. Workshop presentation at the Drama Therapy Program at Tel-Hai College, Tel Aviv, Israel.
Snow, S.E. & Snow, S.H. (2011, July). Diversity training through drama therapy, ethnodrama and community music therapy. Workshop presentation for Drama Therapy Group, Jerusalem, Israel.
S.Snow, J. Bentley, L. Kay, S. Henle (June 2011). Simulation for Stimulation: Using Play, Role-Play and Re-Enactment for Enriched Experiential Learning in the Classroom and Beyond. Presentation at the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education(Montreal).
D’Amico, M. & Snow, S. (2010, December). Applying quality of life assessment in a therapeutic intervention for adults with developmental disabilities. Paper presented at the International Disability Studies Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Snow, S. (2010, November). Drama therapy and ethnodrama: Tools for diversity training. Presentation at the Expressive Arts Therapies Summit, New York City.
Snow, S., D’Amico, M, & Baktis, P. (2010, November). Playback theatre, ethnodrama and drama therapy as effective tools for diversity training. Paper presented at the 31st Annual Conference of the National Association for Drama Therapy, Chicago, Illinois.
Snow, S.H. (2010, September). Atelier drumming. Professional development workshop for the Association quebecoise de musicotherapie, Montreal, QC.
D’Amico, M., Baktis, P., Snow, S. & Vosberg, L. (2010, May). What does it feel like? Promoting attitude change on developmental disabilities by using film. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Association for the Study in Education (CSSE), Montreál, QC.
D’Amico, M., Snow, S.& Vosberg, L. (2010, April). Using creative arts therapies to improve the communication skills of individuals with Asperger’s syndrome. Paper presented at the annual conference of the YAI Network, New York, NY.
D’Amico, M., Snow, S., Baktis, P. & Vosberg, L. (2010, April). Fostering attitude change on intellectual and developmental disabilities using film. Paper presented at the annual conference of YAI Network, New York, NY.
D’Amico, M. & Snow, S. (2010, January). The efficacy of the creative arts therapies for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Hawaii International Conference on Education (HICE), Honolulu, Hawaii.
Snow, S., D’Amico, M., & Baktis, P. (2009, November). Research as community-building: Ethnodrama and drama therapy in participatory action research. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Drama Therapy, White Plains, New York.
Snow, S., Lister, S., Mongerson, E., & Owen, M. (2009, November). Ethnodrama as health education. Presentation at The Society for the Arts in Healthcare, University of Buffalo, Buffalo, New York.
D’Amico, M., Snow, S. & Vosberg, L. (2009, May). Shared participation and understanding via developmental drama. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the YAI Network, New York, NY.
D’Amico, M., Snow, S. & Vosberg, L. (2009, May). Changing perspectives on developmental disabilities. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the YAI Network, New York City, NY.
Vosberg, L. & D’Amico, M. (2009, April). The Centre for the Arts in Human Development: A pioneering program for creative arts therapies. Seminar presented at the: Multidisciplinary councils’ joint seminar on “sharing experiences, expertise and future”, Montréal, QC.
Snow, S., Lister, S., D’Amico, M., Mongerson, E., & Owen, M. (2009, April). Ethnodrama as health education about developmental disabilities. Panel presentation at the annual meeting of the Society for the Arts in Healthcare, University of Buffalo, Buffalo, NY.
Snow, S., D’Amico, M., Landy, R., Johnson, D.R., Pendzik, S., Forrester, A., Sajnani, N., & Wiener, D. (2008, November). State of the art: The status of assessment in drama therapy, today. Panel presentation at the annual conference of the National Association for Drama Therapy (NADT), San Francisco, CA.
Snow, S. (2008, September). A post-traumatic campus: The analysis of a drama therapy model of peace & conflict resolution applied a year after the “Concordia Riots.” Presentation at the Art as Witness: Art, Art Therapy and Trauma Resolution International Conference, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec , Canada.
D’Amico, M., Lister, S., & Snow, S. (2008, May). Ethnodrama and the authenticity of “Living a real life”? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Association of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD), Washington, DC.
Snow, S. (2008, May). The Palestinian-Israeli conflict erupts on a Canadian university campus: A model of peace and conflict resolution through the creative arts therapies at Concordia University. Presentation at the Advanced Study Institute Workshop, Division of Social and Transcultural Psychiatry, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Snow, S.H., Snow, S., D’Amico, M., & Lister, S. (2008, May). Community music therapy and performance ethnography: Deepening the understanding of our clients through interdisciplinary research. Presentation at the Canadian Association for Music Therapy Conference, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.
D’Amico, M., Snow, S. & Vosberg, L. (2007, October). Centre for the Arts in Human Development: An example of self-determination and quality of life in the Montréal community. Paper presented at the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD), Region X, Portland, Maine.
D’Amico, M., Snow, S. & Vosberg, L. (2007, October). Social inclusion: Developmental drama as a tool to promote shared participation and understanding. Paper presented at the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD), Region X, Portland, Maine.
Anthony, E. (2007, August). Imagine that!: Supporting roles played by the visual arts in therapeutic theatre at CAHD: 1998-2007. Presentation at the annual meeting of the National Association for Drama Therapy (NADT), Montréal, QC.
Snow, S., D’Amico, M., Sack, J., Anthony, E., Snow, S.H., Tanguay, D., & Vosberg, L. (2007, August). Theatre as source: Ten years of therapeutic theatre at the Centre. Panel presentation at the annual meeting of the National Association for Drama Therapy (NADT), Montréal, QC.
D’Amico, M. & Snow, S. (2007, May). Developmental drama as a tool to promote shared participation and understanding. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Institute for People with Disabilities (YAI), New York, NY.
Snow, S. (2007, May). A Drumming circle with at-risk youth in Quebec: A pilot study. Lecture and workshop for The New School University, New York, NY.
Snow, S. & D’Amico, M. (2007, February). The dynamic alliance of assessment research and therapeutic theatre. Presentation at the Medical School of the University of the West Indies, sponsored by the Department of Psychiatry and Carimensa, Kingston, Jamaica.
Tanguay, D., D’Amico, M., Lister, S., & Snow, S. (2006, November). Building community through the arts: A ten-year experience with people with developmental disabilities. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Art Therapy Association, New Orleans, LA.
D’Amico, M. & Snow, S. (2006, October). The dynamic alliance of assessment research and therapeutic theatre. Presentation at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery at the University of Padova, Padova, Italy.
Sack, J. (2006, October). Assessment in dance movement therapy at the Centre for the Arts in Human Development. Presented at the joint conference of the American Dance Movement Therapy Association (ADTA), Long Beach, CA.
Snow, S. & D’Amico, M. (2006, October). The healing function of theatre. Video and presentation at the Biennale of Theatre and Psychiatry, University of Padova, Padova, Italy.
Tanguay, D., D’Amico, M. & Snow, S. (2006, June). Les défis de l’évaluation au moyen du bac de sable. Une expérience avec le Test du monde de Charlotte Buhler. Paper presented at the- conférence nationale de l’association canadienne pour la thérapie par le jeu de sable, Kingston, Ontario.
D’Amico, M., Snow, S., Tanguay, D. &Vosberg, (2006, May). Centre for the Arts In Human Development: Social inclusion in the Montréal community. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Association of Mental Retardation (AAMR), Montréal, QC.
D’Amico, M., Snow, S., Vosberg, L. & Barnard, D. (2006, May). Building bridges: Developmental drama as a tool to promote participation and understanding. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Association of Mental Retardation (AAMR), Montréal, QC.
Anthony, E. (2006, May). The Space Between Us: “Somewhere to Put What We Find”: Art Therapy at The Centre for the Arts in Human Development. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Association of Mental Retardation (AAMR), Montréal, QC.
Sack, J. (2006, May). Assessment in dance movement therapy: Functional Assessment of Movement and speech intitiative. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Association of Mental Retardation (AAMR), Montréal, QC.
Snow, S.H. (2006, May). A drumming circle with at-risk youth in Quebec: A pilot study. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Music Therapy , Windsor, ON.
Snow, S. (2005, September). The evolution and emergence of drama therapy. Presentation at the World Congress of Psychiatry, Cairo, Egypt.
D’Amico, M., Miodrag, N., Snow, S., Tanguay, D. & Welburn, B. (2005, June). An investigation of the efficacy of creative arts therapy on Quality of Life for adults with psychiatric disorders. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA), Montréal, QC.
D’Amico, M., Miodrag, N., Snow, S. & Tanguay, D. (2005, May). The concept of quality of life for people with disabilities: A two-year perspective in a creative arts therapies program. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Institute for People with Disabilities (YAI), New York, NY.
D’Amico, M., Miodrag, N., Snow, S. & Tanguay, D. (2005, May). The Centre for the Arts in Human Development: Creative arts therapy for individuals with developmental disabilities. Presentation at the Alliance for Full Participation Summit, Washington, DC.
Snow, S., Hickling, H. (2005, April). Psychohistoriography process. A Workshop on Performance for the Transcultural Psychiatry Symposium at McGill University, Montreal.
Sack, J. (2004, Autumn). Form, function expression, education and collaboration: Integration au loisir des personnes handicapées. Presented at the Université du Québec a Trois Rivières, Trois Rivières, QC.
S, Snow., D’Amico, M., Tanguay, D., Snow, S. H., Sack, J., Rosales, A. & Steinfort, T. (2004, August). The warp and woof of assessment research in the creative arts therapies. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Drama Therapy (NADT), Newport, R.I.
Sack, J. (2004, August). The Functional Assessment of Movement. Presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Drama Therapy (NADT), Newport, RI.
D’Amico, M., Snow, S., & Tanguay, D. (2004, Août). La qualité de vie et l’impact des thérapies par les arts sur les personnes ayant une déficience intellectuelle: Une perspective de trois ans. Communication présentée au 9e Congres de l’Association internationale de recherche scientifique en faveur des personnes handicapées mentales, Rimouski, QC.
Bolster, G., Sack, J., D’Amico, M., Snow, S., & Tanguay, D (2004, Août). Le mouvement comme indice du fonctionnement global: L’utilisation du ‘Functional Assessment of Movement (FAM) Scale’. Communication présentée au 9e Congres de l’Association internationale de recherche scientifique en faveur des personnes handicapées mentales, Rimouski, QC.
Rosales, A., D’Amico, M., Lister, S, Snow, S., & Tanguay, D. (2004, Août). Révision du Kinetic House-Tree-Person Drawing Test en vue d’une utilisation avec des adultes ayant une déficience intellectuelle. Communication présentée au 9e Congres de l’Association internationale de recherche scientifique en faveur des personnes handicapées mentales, Rimouski, QC.
Snow, S., D’Amico, M., & Tanguay, D., Snow, S.H. (2004, Août). L’élaboration d’un instrument de mesure basé sur le jeu de rôle en vue d’évaluer des personnes ayant une déficience intellectuelle. Communication présentée au 9e Congres de l’Association internationale de recherche scientifique en faveur des personnes handicapées mentales, Rimouski, QC.
Snow, S. H, D’Amico, M., Snow, S., & Tanguay, D. (2004, Août). La création d’un instrument d’évaluation en musicothérapie adapté aux personnes ayant une déficience intellectuelle. Communication présentée au 9e Congres de l’Association internationale de recherche scientifique en faveur des personnes handicapées mentales, Rimouski, QC.
Tanguay, D., D’Amico, & Snow, S. (2004, Août). L’épreuve du ‘Test du monde’ (World Test) de Charlotte Bühler et son utilisation en déficience intellectuelle. Communication présentée au 9e Congres de l’Association internationale de recherche scientifique en faveur des personnes handicapées mentales, Rimouski, QC.
D’Amico, M., Miodrag. N., Snow, S. & Tanguay, D. (2004, July). Drama Therapy Role-Play Interview (DTRPI) with adults with disabilities. Paper accepted for presentation at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association (APA), Honolulu, Hawaii. [paper not presented]
D’Amico, M., Snow, S., Tanguay, D. & Welburn, B. (2004, June). Creative arts therapy’s impact in expressive domains in adults with disabilities. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Association of Mental Retardation (AAMR), Philadelphia, PA.
D’Amico, M., Miodrag, N., Snow, S. & Tanguay, D. (2004, June). Dance/movement therapy and its influence on functional movement for adults with disabilities: A three-year study. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA), St. John’s, Newfoundland.
Snow, S. H. (2004, May). Development of a music therapy assessment tool: A pilot study. Presentation at research forum of the Canadian Music Therapy Conference, Perth, ON.
Sack. J. (2003, October). The Functional Assessment of Movement. Presentation at the annual conference of the American Dance Movement Therapy Association (ADTA), New Orleans, LA.
Lister, S., Rosales, A., D’Amico, M., Snow, S & Tanguay, D. (2003, September). An adapted Kinetic-House-Tree-Person (K-H-T-P) drawing test for adults with developmental disabilities at a North American Creative Arts Therapies Centre. Paper presented at the 7th European Arts Therapies conference of the European Consortium for Arts Therapies Education (ECArte), Madrid, Spain.
Snow, S., D’Amico, M., Tanguay, D., Maeng, J. & Steinfort, T. (2003, July). Establishing inter-rater reliability for a drama therapy assessment. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Drama Therapy (NADT), San Francisco, CA.
D’Amico, M. & Snow, S. (2003, May). Using creative arts therapies to enhance the quality of life of individuals with disabilities ( Report from a two-year study ). Paper presented at the Annual Conference for People with Disabilities, New York, NY.
D’Amico, M. & Snow. S. (2003, May). Quality of life issues in individuals with disabilities. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Institute for People with Disabilities (YAI), New York, NY.
Snow, S. (2003, April). Therapeutic Theatre with the Developmentally Disabled. Invited Guest Lecturer at Hunter College of the City of New York.
Snow, S. (2003, February). The place of therapeutic theatre in the field of drama therapy. Invited Guest Lecturer at New York University.
Snow, S. & D’Amico, M. (2002, November). Therapeutic theatre and well-being. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Drama Therapy (NADT), Albuquerque, N.M.
Sack, J. (2002, October). Dance movement therapy at the Centre for the Arts in Human Development. Presented at the annual conference of the American Dance Movement Therapy Association, Burlington, VT.
Sack, J. (2002, Summer). Functional Assessment of Movement. Presented at the College de Médecine du Tours, Tours, Trance.
D’Amico, M., Snow, S., Tanguay, D. & Welburn, B. (2002, May). Creative arts therapy impact in expressive domains. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Association of Mental Retardation (AAMR), Orlando, Florida.
D’Amico, M. & Snow, S. (2002, May). The Alice project. Video presented at the annual meeting of the American Association of Mental Retardation (AAMR), Orlando, Florida.
D’Amico, M. Barrafato, A., Snow, S., & Tanguay, D. (2002, April). The use of the Drama Therapy Role-Play Interview (DTRPI) with individuals with disabilities: A three-year comparison. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), New Orleans, LA.
Welburn, B. & D’Amico, M. (2002, April). Language development among autistic children in integrated and special education settings. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), New Orleans, LA.
D’Amico, M. & Snow, S. (2001, November). The Drama Therapy Role-Play Interview (DTRPI). Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Association of Drama Therapy (NADT), Woodcliff Lake, NJ.
Snow, S, & D’Amico, M. (2001, November). A dynamic alliance of assessment research and therapeutic theatre. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Association of Drama Therapy (NADT), Woodcliff Lake, NJ.
Sack, J. (2001, October). Functional Assessment of Movement at the Centre for the Arts in Human Development. Presentation at the annual meeting of the American Dance Movement Therapy Association (ADTA), Raleigh, North Carolina.
D’Amico, M., Barrafato, A., Peterson, L., Snow, S., & Tanguay, D. (2001, August). Using creative arts therapies with adults with disabilities: A two-year study. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association (APA), San Francisco, CA.
D’Amico, M., Peterson, L., Snow, S., & Tanguay, D (2001, June). Quality of Life: Adults with disabilities. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA), Québec City, Canada.
Barrafato, A., & D’Amico, M. (2001, June). University-based counseling centres: An examination of students’ presenting problems. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA), Québec City, Canada.
Snow, S. (2001, June). Theatrical performance as a vehicle for therapy. Paper presented at the New School University, New York City. Invited guest speaker.
D’Amico, M., Peterson, L., Snow, S. and Tanguay, D. (2000, November). Assessing the self in the creative arts therapies: Points of convergence. Panel presented at the annual conference of the American Art Therapy Association (AATA), St. Louis, Missouri.
D’Amico, M., Peterson, L., Snow, S., & Tanguay, D. (2000, October). Assessment in the creative arts therapies: Where are we? Where do we need to go? Panel presented at the Creative Arts Therapy Conference, Convergence, Montréal, QC.
D’Amico, M., Barrafato, A., Peterson, L., Snow, S., & Tanguay, D. (2000, August). Creative arts therapies and psychosocial well being. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association (APA), Washington, D.C.
D’Amico, M., Barrafato, A., Peterson, L., Snow, S., & Tanguay, D. (2000, August). Drama therapy’s impact in the functioning and expressive domains. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association (APA), Washington, D.C.
Sack. J. (1999, October). Dance movement therapy at the Centre for the Arts in Human Development. Presented at the annual conference of the American Dance Movement Therapy Association (ADTA), Chicago. IL.
D’Amico, M., Peterson, L., Snow, S., Tanguay, D. & Varga, S. (1999, August). Creative arts therapy and self-esteem in adults with developmental disabilities. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association (APA), Boston, MA.
D’Amico, M., Barrafato, A., Peterson, L., Snow, S. & Tanguay, D. (1999, August). Children’s attitude toward actors with disabilities: A two-year comparison. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association (CPA), Boston, MA.
D’Amico, M., Barrafato, A., Peterson, L., Snow, S. & Tanguay, D. (1999, May). Children’s perception of actors with disabilities. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA), Halifax, NS.
Snow, S., Tanguay, D., D’Amico, M., Peterson, L., & Vosberg, L. (1998, November). The role of the creative arts therapies in the de-Stigmatization of persons with disabilities. Paper presented at the 19th Annual Conference of the National Association for Drama Therapy, San Francisco, California.
D’Amico, M., Peterson, L., Snow, S., Tanguay, D. & Vosberg, L. (1998, May). The power of the creative arts therapies in promoting social integration for the developmentally disabled. Paper presented at the National Child and Youth Care Conference, Halifax, NS.
Snow, S. (1997, November). The crisis of identity in performance: The performative frame in drama therapy. Paper presented at the 18h Annual Conference of the National Association for Drama Therapy, New York University, New York.
D’Amico, M, Sissons, B., Snow, S, & Vosberg, L. (1996, April). Musical theatre as an agent of change in children’s attitudes toward the developmentally disabled. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Education Research Association (AERA), New York, NY.