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The Montreal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies is recognized internationally as Canada’s leading institute working at the intersection of human rights, conflict prevention and emerging technologies

Global Parliamentary Alliance Against Atrocity Crime
The Will to Intervene Project

Digital Mass Atrocity Prevention Lab

Digital Authoritarianism


Canadian Taskforce to Combat Online Antisemitism

Canadian Coalition to Counter COVID Digital Disinformation

Canadian Women Leaders' Digital Defence Initiative

Montreal International Security Summit

Counterterrorism and Human Rights

Past projects

The Media Monitoring Project

The Media Monitoring Project reviews the domestic media of at-risk countries for early warning crimes against humanity, genocide and ethnic cleansing. (on hiatus)

Holocaust memoirs

A collection of unpublished diaries and memoirs written by Holocaust survivors in Canada.

Montreal Life Stories

An oral history project that documents the experiences and memories of mass violence and displacement of more than 500 Montreal residents.

The Raoul Wallenberg Legacy of Leadership Project

The project celebrates the life and legacy of the Swedish diplomat who saved tens of thousands of Jews in Hungary during the WWII. (Project completed)

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