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Newsletter - July 2018

July 16, 2018

Source: MIGS


MIGS appointed Member of Parliament Ahmed Mahloof as the institute’s inaugural Democracy Fellow to recognize and support his struggle for democracy and human rights, as he faces up to 20 years in jail for peaceful protest. To further recognize his efforts MIGS nominated Mahloof for the Law Society of Ontario’s 2018 Human Rights Award.

MIGS Journalist in Residence Benjamin Dooley commenced the 2018 Study of the United States Institute (SUSI) Program as one of 18 global scholars at Ohio University. The study tour will analyze US media and will be travelling to Ohio, Nashville, Atlanta and Washington DC, where Mr. Dooley will be a panelist at the annual Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) Conference, where he will speak about the representation of refugees in the media. The SUSI summer institute is funded by a grant from the Study of the US Branch in the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs at the United States Department of State.

MIGS Digital Fellow Phil Gurski was appointed as Director, Security and Intelligence for the SecDev Group in Ottawa.

MIGS as institutional partner to the Canadian All-Party Parliamentary Group for the Prevention of Genocide and Other Crimes Against Humanity supported their report titled “Leveraging New Technologies to Prevent and Monitor Genocide and other Mass Atrocities”. MIGS team members, Executive Director Kyle Matthews and Project Manager Nicolai Pogadl, provided input on the role of technology in preventing mass atrocities.


Upcoming Events

July 22-25, 2018

Marie Lamensch will represent MIGS at the IPSA conference in Brisbane, Australia, where she will discuss the issue of borders, nationalism and genocide/ethnic cleansing.

She will also meet with MIGS's Australian partners at the Asia Pacific Centre for the Responsibility to Protect to discuss current and future projects.

Recent Events

June 3-4, 2018

MIGS partnered with Amnistie internationale Canada francophone, the Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights, and the Comité unifié des organisations arméniennes du Québec to convene the #RightsCity initiative on June 3rd and 4th. The initiative consisted of two events:  the Annual March for Humanity and Against Genocide and a public conference held at Concordia University featuring speakers such as Thomas Mulcair, Irwin Cotler, and Marty Castro.

June 1-10, 2018

MIGS Project Manager Nikolai Pogadl attended the Manfred Wörner Seminar along with 30 young Americans and Germans to examine German and European security policy and build transatlantic relations.

June 11-13, 2018

MIGS participated in the Global Media Forum in Bonn, Germany, organized by Deutsche Welle. MIGS hosted a panel discussion on “The extremism-inequalities nexus: The causal relationship between inequalities and extremisms.”

June 21, 2018

MIGS Project Manager Nikolai Pogadl participated in a delegation organized by the Canadian German Chamber of Commerce to connect with leading Artificial Intelligence (AI) research institutes and companies in Germany and participate in a conference panel on AI and Ethics.



June 11, 2018

Swedish Member of Parliament Margareta Cederfelt presented MIGS and PGA’s Handbook for Parliamentarians: Preventing Violent Extremism and Mass Atrocities to Adama Dieng, Special Advisor of the UN Secretary-General on the Prevention of Genocide.

July 10, 2018

MIGS Executive Director Kyle Matthews signed an open letter in Le Devoir calling on the Canadian Government to protect civilians in the province of Deraa, Syria.


In the media

June 5, 2018

MIGS Executive Director Kyle Matthews wrote an article for the National Post titled “Iran's allies are preparing a genocide in Yemen. But there's still time to stop it”

June 11, 2018

MIGS Digital Fellow Phil Gurski wrote an article for The Hill Times titled, “The U.K. and Canada: polar opposites when it comes to the terrorist threat”

June 14, 2018

MIGS was featured in an article by horizon titled “Thousands of Montrealers take part in the 4th annual March for Humanity and Genocide Prevention”

June 15, 2018

MIGS Digital Fellow Anne Speckhard wrote and article for Security Solutions titled “Beware The Women Of ISIS: There Are Many And They May Be More Dangerous Than The Men – Part 2”

June 18, 2018

MIGS Executive DIrector Kyle Mathews was interviewed by CTV Montreal about “Do U.S. border strategies violate human rights?”

MIGS Digital Fellow Phil Gurski wrote an article for The Hill Times titled “An uneventful G7, from a security standpoint”

June 20, 2018

MIGS Executive Director Kyle Matthews was quoted in an article in The Concordian titled “Canada’s response to the Rohingya crisis: What’s missing”

June 25, 2018

MIGS Digital Fellow Phil Gurski wrote an article for The Hill Times titled “The implications of the U.S.-Canada tiff for national security”

July 11, 2018

MIGS Youth Fellow Maxine Both wrote an article for The Mantle titled “Holding ISIS Accountable in Iraq and Beyond: What do Iraq’s prosecutions of ISIS members mean for transitional justice?”.

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