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2-8 October 2015

Weekly Media Monitoring report for The Democratic Republic of Congo
Posted on October 9, 2015

Compiled by Caroline Johnpulle

  1. Elections
  2. Increase in military intervention
  3. Protests in Refugee Camps by Burundian parents
  4. 2000 people flee the Central African Repubic for the DRCongo
  5. Ugandan ADF rebels in Beni
  1. Elections
State-owned media

(Agence Congolaise Presse, government-owned news agency, article dated 3 October 2015, in French) Début à Kinshasa de la campagne de vulgarisation de la décentralisation par des messages de sensibilisation par voie d’affiches

  • The National outreach campaign for decentralization, began in Kinshasa with posters promoting awareness.
  • Messages focused on decentralization as a pillar of good governance.
  • The campaign receives financial support from the World Bank through the Project Recess governance Capacity (MDP).


(Agence Congolaise Presse, government-owned news agency, article dated 6 October 2015, in French) Marche de soutien au président Joseph Kabila à Inongo

  • A march took place supporting current president Joseph Kabila by the Civil Society of Inongo.
  • Support and appreciation is due to the head of states territorial division of May-ndombe provinces and its capital, Inongo.


2. Increase in military intervention
State-owned media

(Agence Congolaise Presse, government-owned news agency, article dated 2 October 2015, in French) La MONUSCO envisage le renforcement de son intervention militaire en RD Congo

  • MONUSCO will increase military intervention capabilities in DRCongo.
  • There will be increased interventions against assault.



3. Protests in Refugee Camps by Burundian parents
State-owned media

(Agence Congolaise Presse, government-owned news agency, article dated 6 October 2015, in French) Sud Kivu : Manifestation des réfugiés burundais du camp de Lusenda

  • Burundian refugees in the Lusenda Camp in Fizi violently protested against the inclusion of their children with those of Congolese for the following school year.
  • Police who fired shots in the air were arrested by MONUSCO.
4. Protests in Refugee Camps by Burundian parents
State-owned media

(Agence Congolaise Presse, government-owned news agency, article dated 6 October 2015, in French) Sud Kivu : Manifestation des réfugiés burundais du camp de Lusenda

  • Burundian refugees in the Lusenda Camp in Fizi violently protested against the inclusion of their children with those of Congolese for the following school year.
  • Police who fired shots in the air were arrested by MONUSCO.


5. 2000 people flee the Republic of Central Africa for the DRCongo
State-owned media

(Agence Congolaise Presse, government-owned news agency, article dated 7 October 2015, in French) Fuite de plus de 2000 personnes de la RCA en RDC

  • Over 2000 people flee the Central African Republic for the DRC over the past week.
  • The refugees consisted of mostly women and children and were recorded in the town of Zongo.
  • They will most likely be relocated to refugee camps in Mole.
  • Refugees fled to escape fighting between rebels and Seleka Anti-Balaka militants.
  • The total number of CAR refugees in the DRC now greatly exceeds over 100,000 people.
6. Ugandan ADF rebels in Beni
Independent/Private media

(L’Observateur, independent/privately-owned newspaper, article dated 8 October 2015, in French) Pendant trois jours : Les  FARDC ont traqué les rebelles ougandais des   ADF à Béni

  • For 3 days, the FARDC hunted Ugandan ADF rebels in Beni, North Kivu.
  • Last July, a clash between the two parties resulted in the use of heavy weapons in Mutata.
  • Military operations are in continuation.
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