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Media coverage January-May 2019

Posted on June 21, 2019

January 2

Kyle Matthews was a guest on Global News Radio where he discussed the implications of President Trump’s decision to pull American troops out of Syria.

January 8

MIGS fellow Ewelina Ochab published an article in Forbes magazine titled “Blasphemy Laws Do Not Have a Place in The 21st Century”.

January 16

As part of her weekly column in Forbes, MIGS fellow Ewelina Ochab published three articles: “Religious Freedom is on The Decrease in India,” “How Religious Persecution Exacerbates The Vulnerabilities Of Marginalized Groups,” as well as “Blasphemy Laws Do Not Have A Place in The 21st Century.”
January 17

Michael Petrou published an article in Open Canada titled, “China — never a partner worth courting for Canada.”

MIGS' Digital Fellow Nicholas Glavin was quote in a Voice of America piece on the American soldiers killed in Manbij, Syria as well as in the New Delhi Times
January 20

MIGS Fellow Fannie Lafontaine spoke to Radio Canada about Yemen’s recent election as Vice President of UN women.
January 21

Summary of Kyle Matthews’ talk at the 47th annual Conference of the Canadian Council on International Law: “La responsabilité de Facebook dans la commission de crimes de masse en Birmanie : Problématique abordée à la 47e Conférence du Conseil canadien de droit international.“
January 25
Kyle Matthews spoke to CTV about “The State of Human Rights in China.”
MIGS Fellow Andrei Serbin Pont wrote a piece on Venezuela in the Argentinian newspaper Perfil titled “Venezuela: ¿Un casillero más en el tablero de ajedrez geopolítico mundial?”

January 29
Michael Petrou published an article for Open Canada titled, “Facing China’s Wrath, Canada Cannot Go it Alone.” 
January 30
Andrei Serbin Pont published an article for the Valdai Discussion Club on the current crisis in Venezuela and its global impact.


February 12

MIGS fellow Andrei Serbin Pont spoke about his research on the Venezuelan refugee crisis on a Global Dispatch podcast, and was quoted in an article for Inter Press Service titled: “International Aid Feeds Hope and Fuels Confrontation in Venezuela”.

February 14

As part of her weekly column for Forbes Magazine, MIGS Digital Fellow Ewelina Ochab published the following articles titled: “Remembering the 21 Coptic Orthodox Christians murdered by Daesh”, and “Attempts to address the issue of foreign fighters continue”

MIGS fellow Dr. Joana Cook was quoted in a Huffington Post article titled “5 key questions raised after British ISIS teen bride’s plea to return.” Joana also spoke to the BBC World Service and with BBC Radio4 about what’s next for ISIS wives.

February 18

MIGS Digital Fellow Humera Khan wrote the following article for Foreign Affairs titled “Why countering extremism fails”.

Digital Fellow Anne Speckhard wrote an article for Modern Diplomacy titled: “ISIS Smuggler: Sleeper Cells and ‘Undead’ Suicide Bombers Have Infiltrated Europe”  and was quoted in an article for Fox News titled: “ISIS wife dilemma: US-born citizens, even terrorists, can't be barred from re-entry, experts say”

February 21

Marie Lamensch published an article in the HuffPost Quebec on the current uprising in Sudan titled “Les Soudanais dans la mais qui s’en soucie?”

February 22

Digital Fellow Phil Gurski was quoted in the following article for the Toronto Sun titled: “Mandel: Freed homegrown jihadist remains 'high risk to public safety”.

Marie Lamensch was quoted in an article in La Presse written by Agnès Gruda titled “Les démons de l'antisémitisme.”

February 24

Digital Fellow Phil Gurski has a few new blog post including this one titled “Our terrorism laws are in need of review.” Mr. Gurski also has a podcast that you can listen to.

February 27

Fellow Michael Petrou wrote a piece for OpenCanada about the Venezuelan crisis.

February 28

Fellow Michael Petrou wrote an op-ed for CBC titled: “It would be immoral for Canada to leave its ISIS members in Syria”.

MARCH 2019

March 7

MIGS digital fellow Ewelina U. Ochab calls for urgent action to stop the Nicaraguan government from silencing opposition in her article on Forbes online edition.

March 8

MIGS digital fellow Joana Cook urges Canada to bring the women and children of ISIS home in CBS article.

In light of International Women’s Day, Ewelina U. Ochab reflects on the current situation concerning women’s rights and asks: “What  more can the law do for women?”

March 15

MIGS digital fellow Humera Khan spoke to PBS journalist Judy Woodruff to discuss the “broader social movement” represented by New Zealand mosque killer. 

March 16

MIGS digital fellow André Gagné, voices his concerns on far-right extremism in the wake of the New Zealand mass shooting on Radio Canada.

MIGS digital fellow Ewelina U. Ochab relays Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Nadia Murad’s call for more action to help the abducted Yazidi women and girls.

 March 18

On his blog, MIGS Digital Fellow Phil Gurski published a post titled “The links between genocide and terrorism”

March 19

MIGS digital fellow Anne Speckhard gave her analysis on the military and ideological training forced upon ISIS children.

March 21

Ahead of the International Day for the Right to the Truth Concerning Gross Human Rights Violations and for the Dignity of Victims, MIGS digital fellow Ewelina U. Ochab addresses the issue of forced organ removal in China in a Forbes article.

March 23

MIGS digital fellow Ewelina U. Ochab writes for Forbes to remember the transatlantic slave trade and highlight several examples of what she calls’ modern-day slavery.

March 25

MIGS fellow Andrei Serbin Pont wrote in the Venezuelan newspaper El Nacional about the support provided by the Russian military forces to Venezuela.

Phil Gurski had a column in The Hill Times titled “Can we talk about terrorists without glorifying them?”

March 27

MIGS digital fellow Ewelina U. Ochab wrote a piece on the issue of foreign fighter returnees in Forbes magazine.

March 28

Kyle Matthews, executive director of MIGS was interviewed for a piece in the Kingston Whig Standard about the need to prosecute ISIS for crimes against humanity

MIGS fellow Andrei Serbin Pont wrote about Russia’s decision to maintain military forces in Venezuela despite President Trump’s warning.

March 29

MIGS executive director Kyle Matthews sat down with Breakfast Television Montreal for a panel discussion on extremism and radicalization.

APRIL 2019

April 1

MIGS Digital Fellow Ewelina U. Ochab published a piece in Forbes titled “Religious Freedom in Malaysia under Microscope”.

April 2

Kyle Matthews and MIGS youth fellow Duncan Cooper co-authored an op-ed in the Toronto Star titled “Canada must Legislate Facebook to Tackle Online-Networked Hate”.

April 3

Ewelina U. Ochab wrote an op-ed in Forbes titled “Let the Children be Yazidis”

Kyle Matthews was quoted in a Métro article titled “Massacre des Rohingyas: des élus montréalais somment Ottawa de faire pression sur le Myanmar.“

April 4

MIGS fellow Eloge Butera spoke about the Rwandan Genocide against the Tutsis in an interview with Radio Canada. “

Kyle Matthews was quoted in an article in The Montreal Gazette titled “Montreal City Councillors Demand Justice for Myanmar’s Rohingya Refugees”.

April 6

Marie Lamensch was quoted in an article in La Presse titled “Rwanda : les plaies demeurent vives, 25 ans plus tard“.

Lt-Gen. Romeo Dallaire and Eloge C. Butera are featured in a Radio Canada documentary titled “Rwanda, après le sang, l’espoir.”

April 7

Ewelina U. Ochab wrote an article for Forbes titled “25 Years After The Genocide Against The Tutsi In Rwanda, 62,000 Genocide Victims Will Get A Burial”.

Marie Lamensch was quoted Métro article titled « Montréal se souvient du génocide du Rwanda, il y a 25 ans »

April 8

MIGS Digital Fellow Karine Pontbriand spoke to Radio Canada’s 24/60 about cyber threats and the upcoming Canadian election.

April 9

MIGS organized the Human Rights and Artificial Intelligence Forum at Concordia University’s new 4th SPACE. For review of what was discussed, please read this article in The Concordian.

MIGS Fellow Brent Beardsley appeared on CBC radio show The Current to discuss the genocide against the Tutsis in Rwanda.

MIGS Digital Fellow Phil Gurski was featured in a Global News article titled “Deadly export: Canadians responsible for hundreds of terrorism deaths and injuries overseas.”

April 12

Marie Lamensch spoke on the Swiss radio show Tout un monde about the current protests in Sudan.

April 13

MIGS fellow Andrei Serbin Pont spoke about the crisis in Venezuela in an Infobae article titled “Las Fuerzas Armadas son el elemento clave en la crisis venezolana”

Ewelina U. Ochab wrote an op-ed for Forbes titled “100 Years After The Amritsar Massacre: Contemporary Challenges And The Needed Response.”

Marie Lamensch was quoted in a La Presse article titled “La population maintient la pression sur le régime.“

April 14

Kyle Matthews published an op-ed for The Conversation titled “The Rout of ISIS Gives the World an Opportunity to Defeat its Ideology.”

April 17

Lieutenant General Romeo Dallaire was featured in a video on Canada’s global leadership by Canada’s Permanent Mission to the U.N.

April 20

Ewelina U. Ochab wrote an article for Forbes titled “Is China Conducting A Crackdown On Religion?

April 22

As part of the Brussel DiploCamp, Kyle Matthews gave an interview on AI and diplomacy to the USC Center on Public Diplomacy.

April 23

MIGS digital fellow Ewelina U. Ochab wrote an article for Forbes titled “Another Easter Bloodshed, this time in Sri Lanka

MIGS digital fellow Anne Speckhard was interviewed by Foreign Policy in a piece titled “Sri Lanka Attack is the Wave of the Future”.

April 25

Kyle Matthews was quoted in an article for Global News titled “The ISIS mechanic: Man now living in B.C. fixed trucks for terror group. Is he complicit in war crimes?”

Phil Gurski published a new podcast on the terrorist attacks in Sri Lanka.

April 26

Kyle Matthews and Phil Gurski were quoted in an article in the National Post titled “ISIL’s recent activities. Down but not out: After the caliphate's collapse, ISIL finds new life in the shadows.”

MAY 2019

In the lead up to the #RightsCity conference, MIGS collaborated with to release an article titled, “Five human rights issues that need urgent attention in 2019.” The piece featured contributions from MIGS Director Kyle Mathews, Canadian Human Rights lawyer Pearl Eliadis, Canadian Lawyer Arthur Graham, President of Freedom House Michael Abramowitz, and former Canadian ambassador Jeremy Kinsman.  

May 1

Kyle Matthews was interviewed at Global News concerning the current crisis in Venezuela. Listen to it here.

Marie Lamensch published an article titled, “Australia’s slow progress on Indigenous rights” on

MIGS Digital Fellow Ewelina U. Ochab wrote an article in Forbes titled, “For the World Press Freedom Day And Beyond: Defend Media Freedom”.

May 5

MIGS Digital Fellow Ewelina Ochab wrote an article in Forbes titled, “Are Jehova’s Witnesses Extremists?”

May 7

MIGS Digital Fellow Anne Speckhard co-authored an article in Homeland Security Today titled, “Real Voices from the Caliphate Talk Back to Abu Bakr al Baghdadi

May 13

MIGS Digital Fellow Ewelina Ochab wrote an article in Forbes titled, “Against The Tide Of Humanity - Brunei’s New Penal Code.”

May 17

Frank Chalk, MIGS Co-founder and Professor of History at Concordia University was quoted in the CBC News article, “Genocide against Indigenous Peoples recognized by Canadian Museum for Human Rights.”

May 20

MIGS Digital Fellow Anne Speckhard co-authored an article on The Daily Beastwebsite titled, “Is Iran Testing Trump With Little Attacks in Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and the Persian Gulf?

May 21

Ewelina U. Ochab published an article in Forbes titled, “The Parliamentary Assembly Of The Council Of Europe To Review The Legal Response To Daesh.”

Kyle Matthews and MIGS Youth Fellow Alexandrine Royer co-authored an article published on CBC News titled, “Artificial intelligence has been weaponized in China. That should be a wake-up call for the world.”

MIGS Youth Fellow Alexandrine Royer was interviewed by CBC news to discuss China’s use of AI technology to spy on its citizens.

May 22

Kyle Matthews appeared on the Global News Radio’s “The Morning Show” to discuss the weaponization of Artificial Intelligence in China. Listen to it here.  

Ewelina U. Ochab authored an article in Forbes titled, "As Daesh's "Caliphate" Is Gone, Are We Ready To Bring Daesh To Justice?

May 26

MIGS’ Marie Lamensch was interviewed by the Radio-Canada show Desautels Le Dimanche regarding Chinese interference on Canadian university campuses. Click here to listen.

MIGS Digital Fellow Professor André Gagné was quoted by The Guardian in, “Christian right-wingers warn abortion fight could spark US civil war.”

May 27

MIGS Digital Fellow Phil Gurski published an article in The Hill Times titled, “Blasphemy gives Muslims a bad name”. You can also read all of Phil Gurski’s latest publications on his blog.

May 28

MIGS Youth Fellow Kelly Bettan published an op-ed in The Hill Times titled, “In dealing with Facebook, ‘better late than never’ is not an option.”

May 30

CTV Montreal interviewed Kyle Matthews for the segment, “Rights City conference tackles constant fight for democracy”.




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