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WSDB 498



LEGISinfo - Text of bills (2001-present), readings of bills, commitee evidence and reports, background information, and legislative summariescan be accessed online

House of Commons 

House of Commons Hansard (Debates) - Current (1994-present) available online, verbatim transcripts of everything that is said in the House.

House of Commons Committees - committees review bills line by line, publish Evidence which includes Witnesses and Briefs, and makes Reports to parliament 

  • House of Commons Committees - Practical Guide - The Standing Orders of the House provide for ten members on each standing committee. Party representation on committees is roughly proportional to the party standings in the House. The party Whips submit names of Members for each committee to the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs to be approved by the House.

Senate Hansard (Debates) - Current (1996-present) available online, verbatim transcripts of everything that is said in the Senate.

Senate Committees  - committees review bills line by line, publish Evidence which includes Witnesses and Briefs, and makes Reports to parliament 

  • Fundamentals of Senate Committees - At the beginning of each new session of Parliament, the Committee of Selection is formed to nominate a Speaker and to name senators to serve on committees. In practice, prior to the Committee of Selection's first meeting, senators may indicate their preferences to sit on a particular committee to the leadership of their political parties in the Senate. These preferences may be taken into consideration when setting the membership of the various committees. 
Library of Parliament 

Legislative Summaries -  Legislative summaries are documents prepared by the Library of Parliament to provide parliamentarians (MPs & Senators) with background information and an explanation of the bill.  They are non-partisan, concise analyses of bills. (2001 - present)

Acts & Statutes 

Consolidated Acts (Justice Canada) - up-to-date laws in Canada

Annual Statutes (2001-present) - the Public General Acts in the form in which they were originally enacted by Parliament in a given calendar year.

HeinOnline Academic Core Collection - Acts of the Parliarment of Canada (Annual Statues of Canada) - 1792-2017


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