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Concordia professor Bonnie Harnden presents play "Tu Arrives"

October 8, 2014

Drama Therapy professor Bonnie Harnden presents a performance of “Tu Arrives” as part of the Colloque entitled“Transmission, Loyautés et Transformation : enjeux contemporains des soins en pédopsychiatrie” on November 7, 2014. The colloque is sponsored by the Hôpital du Sacré-Cœur de Montréal, Université de Sherbrooke and Université de Montréal.

"Tu Arrives" is an evolving arts-based research project by Bonnie Harnden, a professor at Concordia’s drama therapy program in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.  This piece emerged from Harnden’s work with traumatized children and their families at the Montreal Children’s Hospital. It is also based upon her training as a psychoanalyst. Harnden wanted to use her experience as a front-line clinician to educate families and the mental health community about development, attachment, trauma, and intergenerational trauma. This led Harnden to write and produce the performance piece “Tu Arrives”, which tells the collective stories of these families and helps clinicians and parents understand and recognize developmental theory.

"Tu Arrives" is a play that follows one woman’s experience in therapy as she simultaneously unravels the effects of early trauma and illustrates the theories and experiences that guide her therapist’s work. 

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