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Transitioning to online FAQs

What equipment do I need before I begin running virtual classes online?
A list of necessary equipment is provided here.

How do I make my content available online?
We have created a 3-step workflow for making your content available here

I am a faculty member or TA, how do I authenticate my Zoom license?
We have two sections for authenticating zoom licenses. Click here and proceed to the faculty section or TA section based on your role.

Should I schedule a virtual meeting with my students through Moodle or Zoom?
There are two methods available with regards to setting a virtual meeting time with your students. Both methods are provided here.  

How do I make my courses available on Moodle to my students? 
You can make your courses available on Moodle by following our guide here.  

How can I send an announcement to my students? 
Send an announcement to your students by following our guide here.

How do I post videos to Moodle for my students? 
You can publish videos securely to Moodle using Yuja. Click here to learn how.

How do I add audio narration to my slides in PowerPoint 2016 (for Windows)?
Refer to Adding Audio Narration to PowerPoint Slides for the step-by-step workflow.

I am using another version of Office, and these instructions do not apply. Can I still add audio narration?
Yes. This Microsoft Office support page provides detailed instructions for every version of Office.

I am ready to upload content to moodle, where do I get started? 
Click here for a guide on how to get started using moodle. 

How can I make my course visible to students?
Follow our guide on making courses visible to students here.

How should I organize content (slides, assignments, activities, etc…) on my moodle page?
A simple suggestion is to populate your moodle page by posting content to its respective weekly section. A guide to doing this can be found here.

How can I prevent students from viewing all the content on my moodle page and make sections available on a weekly basis?
You can hide elements of your course by following the instructional video “Hiding and Showing your course and parts of your Course” here.

How do I set up block-sections in my moodle page?
A complete guide to setting up block squares on moodle can be found here in the “setting up blocks” tab.

Is there somewhere I could go to see an overview of how to deal with using Assignments in Moodle?
Yes! Click here for an extensive guide on Using Assignments in Moodle. Watch the video entitled “Using Assignments” for ample information on this topic.

What are the advantages of using Moodle Assignments? 
There are many advantages to using Moodle Assignments for your courses. They include more efficient grading, the facilitation of assignment collection and feedback, and the capacity to keep a record for both students and teachers, among others.

What are the different ways a student might submit their work? 
There are three ways for students to submit their work: Online Poodll, Online Text Submissions, and File Uploads. Go to the Assignment Submission Types section for more information on each type. 

What are the grading options available to me if I decide to use Moodle Assignments?  
There are three ways to grade student work. They include Grade, Marking Guide, and Rubric. Go to the Grading Assignments & Giving Feedback section and look under the “Grading Options Using Assignment” section for more information on each type. 

I am not informed about the different ways I can give feedback in Moodle. Can I write on a pdf, for example?
Yes! You can annotate pdfs, use the Comments option at the bottom of the grading page, upload a feedback file, make audio comments on a Poodll or even use an offline grading worksheet. Go to the Options for Giving Feedback in Assignments section for more information.  

What types of discussion forums are available to use?
Moodle has several types of discussion forums to choose from. The two most common are a standard forum (for general use), and a single simple discussion forum. Learn more here, Moodle Forum Types.

How do I set up a forum to start discussions with my students?
A guide to set up a forum in Moodle is available here, Setting up Discussion Forums in Moodle.

How can I use forums to facilitate online learning?
There are many ways forums can be used to facilitate learning. A selection of ideas are available here, How to Use Discussion Forums in Your Course.

What advice is there for how to approach using forums for online learning?
There are some tips for using discussion forums available here, Tips for Using Discussion Forums.

Are there any guidelines for creating effective Moodle Quizzes? 
Yes! You can find some information for creating useful Moodle Quizzes from our page. Go to Using Quizzes in Moodle and navigate to the Tips for creating effective quizzes or the Writing Effective Quiz Questions (from VIU) section for more information.  

How do I know what sort of timeframe to follow for opening and closing time slots when setting up Moodle Quizzes?  
Yes! You can find some information for dealing with open and close times and a  few visual aids with timing recommendations. Go to Using Quizzes in Moodle and navigate to the part called Setting Up Quizzes. Then look in the section entitled Tips for Setting up your Quiz in Moodle

Approximately how many questions should I set per page?
You can find some recommendations on our page. Go to Using Quizzes in Moodle and navigate to the part called Setting Up Quizzes. Then look in the section entitled Tips for Setting up your Quiz in Moodle.

Is shuffling questions or adding random questions an option? Are these useful practices?
Yes, shuffling and adding random questions are options available to you, and they are very useful. Go to Using Quizzes in Moodle and navigate to the part called Setting Up Quizzes. Then look in the section entitled Tips for Setting up your Quiz in Moodle.

How do I make sure I have properly shut down the student access to the questions once the quiz is closed?  
Go to Using Quizzes in Moodle and navigate to the part called Setting Up Quizzes. Then look in the section entitled Tips for Setting up your Quiz in Moodle.

Is there a way to import a large number of questions all at once?
Yes! You can import questions from a text file. Go to Using Quizzes in Moodle and navigate to the part called Setting Up Quizzes. Then look in the section entitled Tips for Setting up your Quiz in Moodle.

I have heard about something called the AIKEN format for adding a large number of multiple choice questions. What is this?
The AIKEN format is a helpful way to add questions using a word processor. Go to Using Quizzes in Moodle and navigate to the part called Setting Up Quizzes. Then look in the section entitled Adding Questions in Bulk to find out how to use this feature. You will also find two helpful links there: (1) Step-by-step instructions: uploading Quiz Questions in Bulk (Aiken Format); and (2) YouTube video: step-by-step creating quiz, formatting questions in Word & uploading to Moodle.

There were some issues during my Moodle Quiz, and I need to give some individual students more time to write it. What can I do?
Go to Using Quizzes in Moodle and navigate to the part called Setting Up Quizzes. Then look in the section entitled Giving Individual Students More Time on Quizzes to find out how to use this feature.

How can I adapt my STEM courses to the online environment?
There are several options for delivering course content effectively. Refer to the section Options for delivering Content for some ideas on different approaches.

Is there a way to adjust assessments and activities for my online classes?
There are some ways to adjust your current courseware to work online. Refer to the section Options For Developing your Activities and Assessments.

What are my options for labs? Are there some websites I could look at for simulations?
Depending on your subject matter, there are several links to look into. Refer to the section Options for Online Labs.

Are there other resources that I could consult?
Yes, there are some other sites to take a look at in terms of working online. Refer to the section Additional Resources.

How can I record my lectures so my students can review them at a later time?Concordia uses YuJa to create prerecorded class lectures. Step-by-step instructions are available here. Video instructions are available here.

How can I make my videos available to students?
Concordia uses YuJa to share videos securely on Moodle. Step-by-step instructions are available here. Video instructions are available here.

With libraries closed, what services or resources are still accessible?
Librarians and library staff are still available with which to chat or email, and online resources and services continue to be available. For more information here.

How can I record my screen on iPhone?
A step-by-step guide is available here. More information is available in the iPhone User Guide.

How can I record my screen on Android?
A step-by-step guide is available here.

How can I record video on iPhone?
A step-by-step guide is available here. More information is available in the iPhone User Guide.

How can I use YuJa from my mobile device?
There are instructions to get you started available here. More information is available through the YuJa Support page for Mobile Applications.

How do I choose the best assessment option for my online delivery?
A step-by-step guide is available to help you choose and adapt your current assessments and exams to the online platform here, Considerations for Selecting the Best Assessment Option.

How can I minimize cheating?
Cheating is always a concern. Some tips to minimize cheating are available here, Use Moodle Quiz Settings to Reduce Cheating.

How can I provide feedback to students?
There are multiple ways to provide feedback to your students. For a run-through of the different options, see Providing Online Feedback to Students.

I am a TA. How can I get access to the meetings the professor is hosting?
It is possible for TAs to have access to the meetings. Refer to the section entitled TA Access to Zoom Meetings from Moodle.

Is it possible to share my Zoom meeting link with others?
Yes, the Zoom meeting link can be shared several ways. Refer to the section entitled Sharing the Zoom Meeting Link with Other Participants. Be sure to visit tips on how to help prevent Zoom bombing.

I have scheduled my Live Zoom class through Moodle, but how can I start it?
Refer to the section entitled Starting a scheduled Live Zoom Class through Moodle.

I am not sure how to share my screen with my students. What are the steps?
There are a few steps to sharing your screen with your students. Refer to the section entitled Sharing Your Screen with Students. Be sure to visit tips on how to help prevent Zoom bombing.

How can I co-host my Zoom session?
If you would like to co-host your Zoom session, refer to the section entitled Co-hosting Your Zoom Session With Another Presenter(s). Be sure to visit tips on how to help prevent Zoom bombing.

How do I use the Raise Hand feature?
Refer to the section entitled Using Interactive Features in Zoom -> Using the Raise Hand Feature. Be sure to visit tips on how to help prevent Zoom bombing.

How can I enable breakout sessions easily?
Go to the page entitled Running Breakout Sessions. Be sure to visit tips on how to help prevent Zoom bombing.

How do I share the whiteboard with my students in Zoom?
Refer to the page Using the Whiteboard for help. Be sure to visit tips on how to help prevent Zoom bombing.

How do I use the annotation tools in Zoom?
Refer to the page Using the Annotation Tool for help. Be sure to visit tips on how to help prevent Zoom bombing.

How can I use the chat feature in Zoom?
Please refer to the page Using the Chat Feature for help. Be sure to visit tips on how to help prevent Zoom bombing.

How can I run a poll in Zoom?
For steps on how to enable, create, launch and download results of a poll, refer to the section entitled Using Interactive Features in Zoom -> Running a Poll in Zoom. Be sure to visit tips on how to help prevent Zoom bombing.

How can I end my Zoom meeting?
When you are finished hosting your meeting, it is important to end it. Refer to the section entitled Ending a Zoom Meeting.

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