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Juliette Champoux-Pellegrin

I am a now a fourth year student from Montreal who is passionate about traveling and sustainability. I am originally from Montreal but have also lived in Toronto (and now Colombia). I love reading, baking and almost all outdoor activities, so if I am not studying you'll likely see me do any of the three. I would love to speak about my exchange with anyone who is interested since I found it to be one of the most rewarding experiences I've ever gone through!

Top of Vinincunca, Peru: Juliette Champoux-Pellegrin

Program: Management, Financial Analysis, Sustainability Studies 


Level: Undergraduate


Host Country: Colombia


Host Institution: Universidad del Norte


Exchange Semester: Winter 2023


Languages Spoken: English, French, Spanish

My experience abroad

Surf lessons, Barranquilla: Juliette Champoux-Pellegrin

I recommend going on exchange becasuse...

So many reasons! 1 - school where I went was a bit easier, which allowed for a lot of traveling and enjoying learning. 2- when else do you get to just take your life and put it elsewhere in the world! 3- other people doing exchange were so lovely, I made amazing friends! 4- different food, different culture, getting outside of your comfort zone! 5- Getting to call a new place home for a semester is such a joy and privilege!

Going on exchange challenged me because…

Colombia and Barranquilla specifically were very different than Canada (sometimes you had to taxi when you would have wanted to walk, public toilets were very different, etc.). This was an adjustment, but it was a manageable challenge.

The most unexpected part about exchange was...

How quickly you get used to life elsewhere. How quickly it was normal to have a guy sell fresh mangos outside my apartment and how normal it was to go scuba diving on the weekend. I had to remember how lucky and privileged this was all the time to remember this isn't the usual. It was really amazing in that way!

A tip I would give to students applying for exchange is…

Don't just go where everyone else is going. I was the only student going to Colombia and only one of like 3-5 students going to South America and it went AMAZINGLY. I know most people go to Europe and certain parts of Asia, but really, go where you want to go and really research the places. Concordia has so many options, choose a school/country that speaks to YOU.

Want to learn more about what an exchange in Colombia would be like?

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