The most unexpected part about exchange was…
How it is hard to come back after spending the best months of your life in your host country. I wasn't expecting it to be that hard, but leaving was the worst part of my exchange.
Going on exchange challenged me because…
It allowed me to step out of my comfort zone. You have no choice but to talk to people to make friends and do some things on your own without the help of anyone. Living alone for the first time was also a new challenge for me, but it went very well and I'm really glad because now I know that I could do it again.
I recommend going on exchange because…
It's an amazing opportunity to be able to live abroad! You discover yourself and what your limits are and you make long lasting friendships with amazing people from all over the world. You learn to see the world through a different point of view and learn about different cultures, which is truly amazing.
The scariest part of going on exchange was…
The fear of the unknown. You arrive alone in a new country that you've never visited before, so you don't know what to expect, which is totally normal. Then, you end up meeting people and creating your own new routine and you realize that everything is under control.