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Student life

The School of Community and Public Affairs is a student-centred unit. As a college, the School is an academic unit of the university, much like a department. At the same time, a college also generates a particular values-based ethos and a vibrant community life all its own.

Students who have chosen the School usually cite the following as important factors in their decision:

The SCPA Students' Association (SCPASA) is very active. It publishes a regular newsletter and organizes a wide variety of social and academic activities, including fund-raisers for local charities, and field trips. Many of the students are involved in extra curricular activities outside the School, contributing to its community outreach.

SCPA alumni regularly attend the School's activities and partake in its academic life as guests speakers, consultants or as members of the Advisory Board. Students’ identification with the SCPA remains strong long after graduation.

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