Undergraduate students
Undergraduate students make substantive contributions to research at the CSBN.
Undergraduates are typically introduced to research in behavioral neuroscience as part of the research requirements for University courses. They often gain initial laboratory experience as volunteers, working with graduate students and postdoctoral fellows on exciting and challenging research projects.
Undergraduate students enrolled in the Psychology honors or specialization stream have the opportunity to conduct independent research projects in the laboratories of CSBN investigators. Results from these projects may contribute to scientific articles, resulting in co-authored publications for undergraduate researchers.
The Science College at Concordia University is another entry point for undergraduates in research at the CSBN.
Other undergraduate students work as volunteers or as paid research assistants in CSBN laboratories.
Students who are recipients of NSERC undergraduate student research awards or Concordia undergraduate research awards are able to participate in research at the CSBN over the summer months.
Undergraduates interested in participating in research in CSBN laboratories are encouraged to contact CSBN investigators directly via email. It is often helpful to tell the researcher why you want to work in his or her laboratory, describe relevant laboratory experience or coursework, and provide a copy of your academic transcript.