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Concordia’s Faculty of Arts and Science announces the winners of its new graduate student photo contest

The Capture your research in a snap! competition saw entries from across multiple disciplines
December 5, 2022
A green field of ferns with a winding river running through it on a cloudy, grey day.
Brian Gallagher: “This photo provides a great snapshot of the creativity and diversity of research here at Concordia.” | “Climate change around the bend” by Brian Gallagher

The Faculty of Arts and Science is celebrating the winners of its inaugural graduate research photo contest.

Capture your research in a snap! drew entries from graduate students in a vast range of disciplines.

In total, the contest received more than 50 entries. The jury chose a first- and second-place winner and two tied for third. Winners received $500, $300 and $100, respectively. The jury also recognized two honourable mentions.

“We wanted to find a creative way to share and celebrate the diverse, innovative and thought-provoking research of our graduate students with the Concordia community and beyond,” says Pascale Sicotte, dean of the Faculty of Arts and Science (FAS).

“The response was incredible. We received many outstanding entries, which speaks to the quality and breadth of the research taking place,” says Francesca Scala, the faculty’s associate dean of graduate studies.

First-place winner Brian Gallagher from the Department of Biology submitted “Climate change around the bend.” It captured brook trout in the Watern Cove River in Cape Race, Newfoundland.

“I am very pleased to share my research and study area with the student community through the photo contest,” Gallagher says.

While brook trout have been studied since the 1980s, it isn’t clear how they are responding to warming temperatures and changing precipitation patterns caused by climate change. Gallagher’s research compares the responses of the Watern Cove River brook trout population with others to identify key risk factors and how resilient this brook trout population may be.

A blurred black and white photograph of a woman standing in a salon and looking to the left of the photographer. “Reflections” by Felicity T.C. Hamer.

Former Public Scholar Felicity T.C. Hamer won second place for her photo “Reflections.” The image is a self-portrait in a dirty mirror alongside some personal photographs. It’s part of her work examining the links between photography and remembrance.

“I’ve been taking — and thinking about my relationship to — photos for as long as I can remember,” Hamer says.

“It’s so lovely to have this work recognized by my university! I appreciate the attention this will bring to my concluding dissertation project and to my concept of hauntography.”

Finalists celebrated at Dean’s Award for Excellence

The jury was made up of volunteer judges, including Kristen Dunfield, associate professor in the Department of Psychology; Louis Patrick Leroux, associate dean of research; Aphrodite Salas, assistant professor in the Department of Journalism; Tim Schwab, professor in the Department of Communication Studies; and the FAS graduate studies team, Lisa Fortin, Jenna Rose, Ayanna Ryan and Kelly Walsh.

Given the enthusiastic response to this year’s contest, the faculty will make this an annual event.

The winners and honourable mentions will be formally recognized at the Dean’s Awards for Excellence event in the Loyola Chapel on December 2 at 3 p.m.

A complete list of winning entries

First place

“Climate change around the bend”

by Brian Gallagher (Biology)

Second place


by Felicity T.C. Hamer (Communication Studies)

Third-place tie

“Ancient Trees in a Changing Climate”

by Alex Pace (Geography, Planning and Environment)


“Black-Inuit Power”

by Diego Bravo (Communication Studies)

A close-up of the rings of a tree. “Ancient Trees in a Changing Climate” by Alex Pace.
A young man in a black T-Shirt sitting on a sofa in a salon and holding a white tapered object that is nearly touching the ceiling. “Black-Inuit Power” by Diego Bravo.

Honourable mentions

“In the Eye of the Storm”

by Kaaria Quash (Journalism)


“HIV/AIDS and LGBTQ+ Rights Activist Michael Hendricks in Action”

by Mark Andrew Hamilton (History)

A wolf sitting with a chain around its neck, in a snowy emptiness, with what looks like pieces of raw meat in the foreground. “In the Eye of the Storm” by Kaaria Quash.
An angry looking middle-aged man in a black T-Shirt and with short, blonde hair and glasses holding out a paper flyer to the person taking the photograph. “HIV/AIDS and LGBTQ+ Rights Activist Michael Hendricks in Action” by Mark Andrew Hamilton.


See all the submissions at the Faculty of Arts and Science Graduate Studies Flickr.


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