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Capstone Engineering Design project

What is the Capstone Engineering Design project?

The Capstone Engineering Design project is a supervised design, simulation or experimental project involving the definition of a design problem, carrying out the research and design, and demonstrating results. Capstone provides students the opportunity to demonstrate good judgment, challenge and enhance their ability to solve open-ended design problems, and improve team work skills. Solving real industrial problems is encouraged and is facilitated by course coordinators and project supervisors.

Projects, Proposals and Capstone Teams

Students have the opportunity to submit their own project proposals in the summer prior to taking Capstone as well as in the first week of classes. Once the majority of students are registered for the course, the course co-ordinator(s) will send detailed information, by e-mail, explaining how and when you are expected to submit your proposal. (Please note: Any project proposal submitted with team members who are not officially registered in the course will not be reviewed and will be “rejected” immediately. Only a limited number and only excellent student proposed projects will be selected.)

Alternately, students who do not wish to make a proposal can select from a list of pre-approved projects available at the beginning of the Fall term. Based on this selection, the course co-ordinator(s) will form your Capstone team.

Capstone Design Awards

Every year, students in Mechanical and Industrial engineering compete to win various awards given by the department. These awards include the Richard Cheng Design Award for mechanical engineering students, along with awards from the department given to selected teams in both mechanical and industrial engineering.

The awards are given based on the originality and functionality of a working prototype, as well as the excellence of presentations and reports. The Richard Cheng Design Award also considers the overall academic achievement of each individual student in the team.

Highlights from 2020-2021

How do I register for Capstone?

On-line registration will be open on June 1, after the annual assessment of GPA is performed by the Registrar’s Office. For those taking prerequisite courses in either summer term, you can register once the grades are available.

  • Mechanical students who wish to register for AERO 490 must submit a request including permission from the respective Capstone co-ordinator. Furthermore, we advise students to submit a proposal for a project related to Aerospace for approval.

  • Aerospace students who wish to register for MECH 490 must submit a request including permission from the respective Capstone co-ordinator.  Please note that Aerospace students registering in MECH 490 must select an Aero based project.

  • Any student who wishes to register for ENGR 490, a multidisciplinary project that requires collaboration with students from other engineering departments, must contact the course instructor directly with a project proposal for approval.

If you have questions or experience difficulty registering, please contact your Undergraduate Program Assistant.

NOTE: Due to the work load associated with Capstone and the manufacturing schedule, we strongly advise that students do not work full-time while enrolled in Capstone. Additionally, Co-op students cannot be approved to take Capstone while undertaking a work-term.

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