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Campus Safety and Prevention Services

Formerly known as Campus Security and Emergency Services

Campus Safety and Prevention Services

Formerly known as Campus Security and Emergency Services

Hazardous material incidents

Hazardous materials include chemicals, bio-hazardous waste and radioactive material. Any incident or spill involving hazardous material must be reported.

In the event of a spill, release or accidental exposure:

  1. Advise and warn co-workers.
  2. If necessary, evacuate the area immediately.
  3. Notify Campus Safety and Prevention Services at 514 848-3717 or 3717.
  4. Provide the following information:
  • Name of hazardous material
  • Nature and number of persons injured or exposed
  • Quantity involved
  • Related health risks and precautions to be taken
  • Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) or appropriate documentation

Although you may work with a hazardous material regularly, when spilled and no longer within the controlled environment, such as its container or within a fume hood, the situation may be completely different.

You should only attempt to clean a spill if you have the necessary personal protective equipment, knowledge of the product, the associated health risks and appropriate equipment to clean and contain the product. You should never clean a spill if you are alone. 

Accidents happen, it is part of the learning process but remember, even if you clean your own spill, the incident must be reported.  The focus of an incident investigation is to ensure that Concordia provides the safest working and learning environment possible.  Investigations are conducted to review procedures, not to establish blame.

Questions, comments or concerns?

Please fill out this feedback form

Have a complaint or compliment for a security agent?

Please fill out this complaint or compliment form

Report an incident to Campus Safety and Prevention Services?

Please fill out this incident report form

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