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Plotting & Capstone

Plotters are large-scale printers that produce line drawings with one or more automated pens. At Concordia, plotters are available for use by staff and students at the Gina Cody School of Engineering and Computer Science.

For more detailed information about the plotters and the plotting services available at Concordia, visit the Plotting information page.

To request an appointment to use a plotter, complete and submit the Plotting reservation request form.
If you are unsure which plotter is right for your project, consult the Plotting information page.

To view plotter availability, consult the public calendar for each plotter:

If you are unsure which plotter is right for your project, consult the Plotting information page.

In their final year, students participate in leading-edge research while doing their Capstone Projects. This project enables students to carry out a team design project from scratch, experience project management, and practice their technical writing and presentation skills.

Capstone poster demos are scheduled annually at the end of March.  The plotters will be reserved for these demos up to ten days prior to their final presentation. 

To reserve a plotter, fill out the Plotting Reservation Request Form. Once the form has been submitted, you will receive an AutoReply email containing the ticket number in the Subject header. This indicates that your request has been queued in our system. 

Make a note of the ticket number, as this will be your reference number. Wait until you receive a reply to your request, which will either confirm or propose an alternate booking.

Each ENCS student is given a plotting quota of 25 pages for the entire program. A printing quota of 50 pages is given for the ledger size prints. These quotas are non-renewable.

All students are asked to convert any poster to Adobe PDF file format, prior to your arrival in the plotting area. You are also expected to bring the file in its original format.  The file can be stored on a USB key or a network share. Very dark backgrounds are strongly discouraged.

For more information and FAQs about the plotting service, visit the Plotting information page.

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