1 00:00:01,480 --> 00:00:08,040 [Musique] 2 00:00:13,230 --> 00:00:17,220 Hi, My name is Maxim Fortin. I am 3 00:00:15,240 --> 00:00:19,800 the coordinator for the 4 00:00:17,220 --> 00:00:21,720 Quebec laws and 5 00:00:19,800 --> 00:00:23,460 freedoms league 6 00:00:21,720 --> 00:00:25,410 I have a political science background. 7 00:00:23,460 --> 00:00:27,329 I have a bachelor's, Master's and 8 00:00:25,410 --> 00:00:30,180 Doctorate in the field. 9 00:00:27,329 --> 00:00:32,009 and when it comes to political science, 10 00:00:30,180 --> 00:00:33,960 I really interested in the area of 11 00:00:32,009 --> 00:00:35,610 collective action, the sociology of 12 00:00:33,960 --> 00:00:37,379 social mouvements, philantropy, 13 00:00:35,610 --> 00:00:37,980 social policy and policy in 14 00:00:37,379 --> 00:00:40,829 education. 15 00:00:37,980 --> 00:00:46,430 I am also interested in matters of 16 00:00:40,829 --> 00:00:46,430 anti-racism, colonialism, anti-facism and so on. 17 00:00:54,110 --> 00:00:56,770 I would say that, personally 18 00:00:56,890 --> 00:01:02,440 I have experienced racism very young. 19 00:00:59,260 --> 00:01:07,330 So I would say that I opened my eyes 20 00:01:02,440 --> 00:01:10,900 to a world where, right away, I saw that there 21 00:01:07,330 --> 00:01:13,060 was a lot of injustice and my desire to 22 00:01:10,900 --> 00:01:15,130 get involved in different social causes 23 00:01:13,060 --> 00:01:16,740 linked to social justice I think 24 00:01:15,130 --> 00:01:20,880 it is really linked to my 25 00:01:16,740 --> 00:01:30,789 experience with racism growing up.Very early on, I realised 26 00:01:20,880 --> 00:01:31,300 that there were a lot of injustice in the world and 27 00:01:30,789 --> 00:01:34,960 that one of those big injustices was racism and I was partially a victim to it. 28 00:01:31,300 --> 00:01:38,530 And so it's something that stuck to preoccupations. 29 00:01:34,960 --> 00:01:40,780 stuck to preoccupations. But I would 30 00:01:38,530 --> 00:01:44,009 say that for the past few years 31 00:01:40,780 --> 00:01:46,660 since 2015, we can feel a rise 32 00:01:44,009 --> 00:01:48,880 of a racism that we'll call organized, of 33 00:01:46,660 --> 00:01:52,149 a xenophobia that is politically 34 00:01:48,880 --> 00:01:54,280 profitable. We feel the rise of 35 00:01:52,149 --> 00:01:59,470 what we could call organized intolerance and politically, I would 36 00:01:54,280 --> 00:02:02,200 say that is also politcally organized. 37 00:01:59,470 --> 00:02:04,600 So that made me want to be more 38 00:02:02,200 --> 00:02:07,470 involved in anti-racism 39 00:02:04,600 --> 00:02:07,470 and my job with the laws and freedoms league allows me to go towards that path. 40 00:02:14,370 --> 00:02:24,270 It's really important to recognize the 41 00:02:19,090 --> 00:02:27,520 necessity of prioritizing the organisation 42 00:02:24,270 --> 00:02:29,470 of racialised people and I think 43 00:02:27,520 --> 00:02:31,060 that it is also very important that 44 00:02:29,470 --> 00:02:36,640 we recognize that it is even more 45 00:02:31,060 --> 00:02:42,480 difficult in the context of Covid-19. 46 00:02:36,640 --> 00:02:48,010 To kind of paint a picture of the situation, 47 00:02:42,480 --> 00:02:52,000 there are three project, three instances, three places where 48 00:02:48,010 --> 00:02:55,890 Covid-19 impacted the actions of 49 00:02:52,000 --> 00:02:55,890 the league and the actors and actrices of anti-racism in the city of Quebec. . 50 00:02:58,890 --> 00:03:06,760 Obviously there is the ''Femmes d'ici et d'ailleurs'' committee that had an awful lot of 51 00:03:01,000 --> 00:03:17,560 difficulty gathering its members and 52 00:03:06,760 --> 00:03:26,080 maintaining activities in the area (of Quebec City) worthy of a committee that is active. There's the project creation 53 00:03:17,560 --> 00:03:29,080 of the defense of racialised people in the Quebec were put on hold for a while 54 00:03:26,080 --> 00:03:39,750 because it was nearly impossible to bring people together. 55 00:03:29,080 --> 00:03:48,490 And there is also the coordination of anti-racist action in Quebec (city) that was already attempting to revive... that was struggling a bit to get momentum 56 00:03:39,750 --> 00:03:53,190 it was even worse with the Covid situation. In regards to the necessity of 57 00:03:48,490 --> 00:03:57,970 organization, if I speak from the Quebec (city) perspective, 58 00:03:53,190 --> 00:04:00,310 Quebec is a city where diveristy is relatively new there as always been people 59 00:03:57,970 --> 00:04:04,230 as always been people of different ethnicities in Quebec (city) but 60 00:04:00,310 --> 00:04:08,860 I would say, that 61 00:04:04,230 --> 00:04:11,290 immigration and seeing the 62 00:04:08,860 --> 00:04:15,910 diversity in the city is something that is 63 00:04:11,290 --> 00:04:18,400 more recent and ethnic communties 64 00:04:15,910 --> 00:04:20,120 or racialised communities,still don't hold 65 00:04:18,400 --> 00:04:23,000 still don't hold a lot of space 66 00:04:20,120 --> 00:04:24,800 and, in terms of numbers, 67 00:04:23,000 --> 00:04:26,949 are still very few. So, 68 00:04:24,800 --> 00:04:31,190 it, sometimes, becomes difficult to 69 00:04:26,949 --> 00:04:32,479 beget organisational spaces which 70 00:04:31,190 --> 00:04:34,850 will, in turn, mean that when those 71 00:04:32,479 --> 00:04:37,880 communities are threatened by different 72 00:04:34,850 --> 00:04:43,610 upcoming law project, programs, policy or regulations 73 00:04:37,880 --> 00:04:46,210 they won't be able to quickly respond. 74 00:04:43,610 --> 00:04:49,250 So, in Quebec (province) in different fields 75 00:04:46,210 --> 00:04:51,919 there is an array of groups that are doing militating, 76 00:04:49,250 --> 00:04:54,350 that are defending the rights of indivuals. 77 00:04:51,919 --> 00:04:55,880 And when we talk about ethnic communities,[or] 78 00:04:54,350 --> 00:04:58,880 racialised people, there are 79 00:04:55,880 --> 00:04:59,300 still very few actors or actrices are present. 80 00:04:58,880 --> 00:05:02,090 There are some 81 00:04:59,300 --> 00:05:03,530 in Montreal, but in Quebec (city) it is 82 00:05:02,090 --> 00:05:05,930 something that still needs to be worked on and 83 00:05:03,530 --> 00:05:08,620 developped and in rural areas it 84 00:05:05,930 --> 00:05:08,620 it basically non-existent. 85 00:05:11,100 --> 00:05:16,809 I think that there are 86 00:05:13,569 --> 00:05:19,240 les reflections that we must have and 87 00:05:16,809 --> 00:05:21,669 there are conclusions that we must draw. 88 00:05:19,240 --> 00:05:23,050 One of those conclusion, that I think 89 00:05:21,669 --> 00:05:24,639 that we must draw is to recognize 90 00:05:23,050 --> 00:05:27,159 the limits of education and 91 00:05:24,639 --> 00:05:32,199 awareness and the need for 92 00:05:27,159 --> 00:05:34,629 taking action and organization. We will 93 00:05:32,199 --> 00:05:37,479 always need to educate. We will 94 00:05:34,629 --> 00:05:39,099 always need to bring awareness but 95 00:05:37,479 --> 00:05:41,259 I would say that in the current 96 00:05:39,099 --> 00:05:44,709 state of anti-racism [work], I think there is 97 00:05:41,259 --> 00:05:46,990 a tendency to stay limited to education, 98 00:05:44,709 --> 00:05:48,939 to stay limited to raising awareness. We need 99 00:05:46,990 --> 00:05:51,699 to go further than that. We need to empower people to take action, 100 00:05:48,939 --> 00:05:53,499 to help them towards taking action. 101 00:05:51,699 --> 00:05:54,189 We need to help them fight for 102 00:05:53,499 --> 00:05:56,800 their rights. 103 00:05:54,189 --> 00:05:59,349 And for that, we need 104 00:05:56,800 --> 00:06:06,219 structures,we need organization. So that would be one of the 105 00:05:59,349 --> 00:06:08,289 first conclusion I could draw, first recommendation I would make. 106 00:06:06,219 --> 00:06:11,499 Another recommendation I would make would be to recognize the limits 107 00:06:08,289 --> 00:06:16,490 of an approached focus on trying to appease everyone and to 108 00:06:11,499 --> 00:06:17,639 accept the need to take a militant socio-political. 109 00:06:16,490 --> 00:06:22,629 The necessity of pushing 110 00:06:17,639 --> 00:06:26,129 even more anti-racism, or going towards a path that is 111 00:06:22,629 --> 00:06:31,360 going towards a path that is 112 00:06:26,129 --> 00:06:33,579 even more vocal in protesting. Sometimes, focusing on 113 00:06:31,360 --> 00:06:38,289 appeasing everyone is something that 114 00:06:33,579 --> 00:06:40,809 most people adhere to but sometimes I 115 00:06:38,289 --> 00:06:45,879 would say, thatd organisations that 116 00:06:40,809 --> 00:06:52,180 limit themselves to one perspective of appeasing everyone 117 00:06:45,879 --> 00:06:52,990 kind of results in a bland discourse and kind of look 118 00:06:52,180 --> 00:06:56,590 away, 119 00:06:52,990 --> 00:06:59,040 don't make as much effort 120 00:06:56,590 --> 00:07:01,990 to target oppressions, 121 00:06:59,040 --> 00:07:04,660 exploitations and dominations. And make 122 00:07:01,990 --> 00:07:07,180 very minimal effort 123 00:07:04,660 --> 00:07:10,300 to combat the people responsible. 124 00:07:07,180 --> 00:07:12,510 So that is my second 125 00:07:10,300 --> 00:07:12,510 recommendation. 126 00:07:15,100 --> 00:07:18,090 Another recommendation would be to 127 00:07:19,810 --> 00:07:24,560 put to light the abundance of financial resources for small anti-racist projects 128 00:07:22,190 --> 00:07:29,390 against the almost inexistent financial resources for sustainable initiatives 129 00:07:24,560 --> 00:07:32,780 focused on the defending of rights 130 00:07:29,390 --> 00:07:35,000 the Quebec laws and freedoms 131 00:07:32,780 --> 00:07:37,400 and the popular education group 132 00:07:35,000 --> 00:07:38,930 of the Quebec (city) region 133 00:07:37,400 --> 00:07:41,300 so their impact, I can tell you about right now. 134 00:07:38,930 --> 00:07:46,400 One of our biggest struggles right now 135 00:07:41,300 --> 00:07:48,770 in our willingness to create the group to defend racialised individuals 136 00:07:46,400 --> 00:07:49,790 it that is is 137 00:07:48,770 --> 00:07:50,900 very difficult to go 138 00:07:49,790 --> 00:07:52,880 get funding.Not getting 139 00:07:50,900 --> 00:07:56,030 funding for many small things, 140 00:07:52,880 --> 00:07:58,160 many small projects that in the long-term 141 00:07:56,030 --> 00:07:59,900 may not have a significant impact, but rather 142 00:07:58,160 --> 00:08:01,340 for something that we believe 143 00:07:59,900 --> 00:08:03,440 will bring a significant impact, we find 144 00:08:01,340 --> 00:08:05,530 very little sources 145 00:08:03,440 --> 00:08:05,530 of funding. 146 00:08:07,979 --> 00:08:14,429 The other recommendation that I could make would be 147 00:08:10,189 --> 00:08:16,860 that given the context of identity politics, 148 00:08:14,429 --> 00:08:18,899 there is a need for people that work in anti-racist work to 149 00:08:16,860 --> 00:08:21,959 advocate for and be vocal about anti-racism, 150 00:08:18,899 --> 00:08:23,399 to not be afraind of the 151 00:08:21,959 --> 00:08:26,819 label, to not be afraid of wearing 152 00:08:23,399 --> 00:08:30,479 the label, to demand anti-racism 153 00:08:26,819 --> 00:08:37,860 and to maybe, in the context of Covid.. I mean not Covid but 154 00:08:30,479 --> 00:08:42,089 rather of identity politics, the importance of 155 00:08:37,860 --> 00:08:46,100 docummenting and combatting the progression of right-wing xenophobia and notably 156 00:08:42,089 --> 00:08:48,209 in an area like Quebec (city) where there is a racist right 157 00:08:46,100 --> 00:08:50,430 that is getting 158 00:08:48,209 --> 00:08:52,740 organised and that can 159 00:08:50,430 --> 00:08:54,480 contribute to instilling fear and hiding 160 00:08:52,740 --> 00:08:58,220 in racialised people. 161 00:08:54,480 --> 00:09:02,569 So, in short those are the recommendations 162 00:08:58,220 --> 00:09:02,569 that I could make.