The Geography of News Project
Led by principal investigator Mike Gasher, the project posits journalism as a practice of cartography and is interested in studying the textual “maps” that journalists draw, how they constitute community, how they sketch its boundaries, which values and social norms they assert, and how they situate the community they serve within the larger world. To date we have conducted a series of news-flow studies of the Web sites of 10 daily newspapers and we are currently conducting textual analyses of news stories in a variety of newspapers. Our articles have been published in Journalism Studies, the Canadian Journal of Communication and Aether: the journal of media geography. This research program has received funding from Concordia University (2000-03), le Fonds québécois de recherche sur la culture et la société (2002-05) and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (2003-08, 2008-11, 2011-14). For further information, contact Mike Gasher