Recognizing the many details that make an event truly accessible, the Office of Community Engagement has prepared a list of steps the organizing team is taking to ensure that participation in Enable Montreal’s activities is open to everyone.
All the costs associated with these services will be paid for by Concordia University.
If you have any special needs that are not covered on this list, please let us know on your registration form.
Physical Accessibility
- Adapted transportation
- Accessible entrance at every event including ramps, elevators and snow removal when required
- Accessible bathrooms at every event
- Volunteers to wait for adapted transport prior and after each activity
- Attendants available at every event to accompany participants to the activities, to the bathroom and to serve food if necessary
- Adapted chairs upon request
Communication accessibility
- Printed documents will be made available in French, in English and in braille
- Translation headsets, ASL/LSQ interpreters, visual translation, captioned videos, whisper readers and event recordings can be made available upon request
Sensory Accessibility
- Scent-free spaces upon request
- Events will take place in spaces where lighting and sound can be controlled
Interactive Accessibility
- Fidget toys and relaxation spaces will be available
Food Accessibility
- Straws and purées available upon request
- Food will be kept off floor level to reduce distractions for service dogs
- Vegan options
- Adapted menu depending on allergies and food intolerances