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Luis Carlos Sotelo Castro

Canada Research Chair in Oral History Performance
Associate Professor, Department of Theatre

Dr. Luis Carlos Sotelo Castro is an Associate Professor in the Department of Theatre at Concordia University and Canada Research Chair in Oral History Performance. His current creation-research investigates modes of listening in the context of post-conflict oral history performance and, more broadly, in the context of performances of memory. He creates live environments of memory in collaboration with other artists and participants from specific communities and locations.

Since 2002, he has done work with and for internally displaced people, Indigenous communities, migrants, and elderly people both in Latin America and in the United Kingdom. More recently, he has collaborated with a family of refugees from Colombia living in Quebec and with sound artist Barry Prophet to produce a sound installation based on the family’s testimonies of displacement. His creative work has been commissioned by civil society and academic organizations such as the International Association for the Study of Forced Migration.

As an Associate Professor, Dr. Sotelo Castro supervises postdoctoral fellows, PhD researchers, Master’s students, and undergraduate students in areas such as oral history performance and performances of memory, socially engaged art, performance and activism, performance in zones of conflict and post conflict contexts, research-creation, verbatim theatre, and applied performance. He frequently presents his work at international conferences. His scholarly affiliations include: The International Listening Association, The International Federation for Theatre Research (working group political performance), The Memory Studies Association (working group memory and performance), and The Oral History Association.

514-848-2424, ext. 4784
Guy-De Maisonneuve Building, S-GM 500-61

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