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'These places and faces were a big part of my undergrad years'

Frequent NOW contributor and spring 2017 graduate Meagan Boisse is Concordia’s June Instagram curator
June 1, 2017
By Allison Saunders

“As a journalism student I’ve used imagery to tell stories before” says Meagan Boisse, Concordia’s #CUseenby Instagram curator for the month of June. “I totally subscribe to the adage that a picture is worth a thousand words.”

Boisse’s time at Concordia is coming to an end; she’s graduating this spring with a bachelor’s degree from the Faculty of Arts and Science. “Being Concordia’s Instagram curator this June feels poignant,” she says.

The undergraduate student hopes to capture the spirit of Concordia through moments that tell a story about the university. Whether it’s the all-too-familiar hustle of a late-night study session or walking along the stage at convocation, she wants to document what it means to be a Concordian.

Follow Boisse’s Instagram journey via the #CUseenby hashtag.

‘An interesting way to bid adieu’

Why did you want to be Concordia’s Instagram curator? 

The answer is twofold. First, because I enjoy photography — there’s even a darkroom in my basement. It’s a really expressive and powerful medium. Second, I’m at the end of my time here at Concordia and I'll be graduating this month. It’s an interesting way to bid adieu to the places and faces that were a big part of my last few years.

What are three or four of your favourite Instagram accounts?

  • @pugsofinstagram - I have an unhealthy obsession with pugs, and looking at them makes me feel happy. How could you not love those smooshy faces?
  • @coryrichards - He’s a photographer for National Geographic. He’s also a mountain climber. Put those two things together and you get some pretty unreal imagery.
  • Ansel Adams is not on Instagram, but he is one of photography’s greats. His black-and-white landscapes are iconic.


What tips do you have for Concordia students who are looking to make their Instagram accounts better, or just take great photos?

I only joined Instagram recently. However, while I might be fresh to the platform, I imagine a good way to optimize your account is to be selective with your posts. Consistently posting quality images with a recognizable aesthetic is a good strategy.

When shooting, keep in mind the basics, such as the rule of thirds. And pay attention to how contrast, exposure and light can lend themselves to moods. Also, a well-chosen filter can make a huge difference, elevating a photo from standard to captivating.

Apply to be Concordia’s next Instagram curator

Interested in becoming a Concordia Instagram curator? Do you have a photo on your Instagram feed that best represents you and your Concordia? Send it by direct message from the Instagram app or email a link to your photo to:

Include #CUseenby in the subject line and give us a 200-word explanation of what theme you would be interested in exploring as an Instagram curator. What do you want to document around Concordia? What do you love the most?

If we like what we see, we’ll be in touch!

Keep up with the action at Montreal’s next-generation university by following Concordia’s Instagram account and #CUseenby.


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