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Course Code: CEWP 329
This course is for people working towards their diploma in JavaScript development or PHP development. It’s also perfect for anyone who wants to learn how to program websites properly (and we certainly need more people like that!). Here, you’ll use a hand-coded approach to create web pages and online forms, display tabular data, format and position page content, insert multimedia files and apply micro-data. You'll also get a comprehensive view of HTML5 and CSS, gaining the skills you need to create web pages that are compatible with different browsers, platforms, and devices. Ready, set… code!

Your take-away

This course is a great way to help you:
• Create HTML5 code, CSS style sheets and embedded styles within HTML5 code.
• Create responsive page layouts for both mobile and desktop use;
• Use the Bootstrap style API for formatting and layout;
• Integrate accessibility into web pages;
• Enable web pages to be internationalized (culture-sensitive).

Our approach

This course features lectures and hands-on programming practice led by seasoned industry professionals who’ll guide you every step of the way as you learn industry standards and best practices. To succeed, you will be required to do 5-10 hours of work per week outside of class time. If you have little or no prior knowledge, you’ll need more time to gain familiarity with the concepts. Note that this is an online, synchronous course.

Who benefits the most?

• Anyone who wants to take the first step towards a career as front-end or full-stack developer.
• Anyone who wants to develop or broaden their programming skills.
• Business owners and managers in technical domains who want to better understand and evaluate JavaScript programming code.
• Programmers who want to learn a new language to open new career horizons.

Concordia CCE Loyalty Discount

All students who meet at least one of the following conditions, will receive a 10% discount on their CCE course or workshop tuition fees:

1)   Have completed a CCE, Undergraduate or Graduate course at Concordia University in a prior academic term;

2)   Have completed a language proficiency test (IELTS) at CCE;

3)   Have completed a CCE Professional Development Seminar/Workshop.

This discount is based on the information maintained in the Concordia University student information system.

NOTE: This discount does not apply to a language proficiency test enrollment (IELTS) nor to application fees for admission to a CCE program of study.


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